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                         Brown-Bag Lunches Have DLA Subsistence

                                  Leaders and Employees Talking

             rown-bag lunches, where Defense Logistics Agency   who works on what team, photos of Subsistence managers
          BTroop Support Subsistence supply chain leaders meet   and supervisors will be displayed in their command area,
          informally with their employees, are succeeding in achiev-  and their organization chart will be made available online.
          ing a more welcoming and productive work environment.  Faso and Vasquez shared brown bag lunch comments
             The lunches began over six months ago to help address   with managers and supervisors in a two-hour session March
          concerns raised in a 2016 DLA corporate culture survey   6. Afterwards, those managers and supervisors provided
          and to let Subsistence leaders gather employee feedback   their feedback during their own brown-bag lunches with
          to better understand the working conditions.        Subsistence leadership.
             “It was an opportunity to lay the foundation with our   “The tendency is to just focus on the things that need
          workforce, managers and supervisors, and that every en-  to change, but there were a lot of comments made about
          counter that we have with each other should be
          based on dignity and respect,” said Rich Faso,
          deputy director, Subsistence supply chain, “as well
          as to try and build trust that people’s thoughts
          and concerns wouldn’t be held against them.”
             Faso, together with Director of Supplier Op-
          erations Gina Vasquez and Director of Customer
          Operations John Sheehan, hosted more than 30
          brown bag lunches, held weekly, with employees
          from the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support
          supply chain.
             By the end of May, six months after beginning
          the lunch meetings, Subsistence supply chain lead-
          ers had gathered feedback from nearly 90 percent
          of their employees.
             “We saw some interesting comments from the
          Denison survey and thought ‘let’s get the feel of
          the workforce,’” Faso said, explaining that Sub-
          sistence leadership wanted to understand, “Was        The Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support Subsistence supply chain
          this the thought of many? Or, a comment of a few? … to   held more than 35 brown-bag lunches in order to better understand their
          try and ascertain the culture of the commodity.”      workforce’s needs. The brown-bag sessions were designed to help address
             Stephen Granato, a 10-year Subsistence employee and   areas of concern indicated in the Denison climate culture survey’s written
          acquisition specialist, attended a brown-bag lunch in early   comments. (Photo by Alex Siemiatkowski, DLA Troop Support public affairs.)
              “The atmosphere was relaxed and welcoming, which   the camaraderie of the workforce,” Faso said. “It is a close-
          allowed for people to speak freely about workplace issues,”   knit community   and people are very generous, friendly
          Granato said.                                       and appreciative of their jobs here.”
             Chris Ludwig, Subsistence tailored vendor logistics   Subsistence leadership plans to continue to host brown-
          specialist and Culture Improvement Team (CIT) lead,   bag lunches throughout the year to maintain the pulse
          said the brown-bag discussions correlated with CIT focus   of the workforce.
          areas. Those focus areas are communication between the   “We didn’t hit everybody,” Faso said. “We respected
          supplier and customer directorates, accountability and   those individuals who just maybe didn’t feel comfortable
          job-specific training.                              enough to come. I think it shows that we have some work
             Ludwig said the CIT is creating a repository system for   to do as a community and that there is still 10 percent of
          standard operating procedures, job aids and other docu-  the people that we didn’t get (at the lunches) for some
          ments.                                              reason.”
             “Our intent is to make it so people can dig into the   Faso said the brown bag sessions went well and he
          repository and find what they need,” he said. “Another   hopes that eventually all Subsistence employees will feel
          discussion is to work on a program that encourages em-  comfortable enough to speak their mind.
          ployees and managers to highlight one another’s actions,   “If we ever got to 100 percent (attendance) then I think
          similar to a point system or reward system.”        that we can say we made a step toward making this a bet-
             Integrating new employees was another topic discussed   ter place to work and that people feel confident here,”
          during the brown-bag lunches. To show new employees   Faso said.
          4    GOVERNMENT FOOD SERVICE • JULY 2017
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