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           Quartermaster Corps Welcomes New Command Sgt. Major

              ommand Sergeant Major Sean J. Rice became the 13th   Fogg recognized Sellers for his contribution to the Quar-
          Cregimental command sergeant major (RCSM) of the    termaster Corps and distinguished record of service. “There
          Quartermaster Corps at Fort Lee, Va., during a change of   is no question about CSM Sellers’ influence on our corps,”
          responsibility ceremony.                            Fogg said. “His ability to think strategically, and to help
             Brig. Gen. Rodney D. Fogg, quartermaster general, pre-  me do the same, has been invaluable. He is a problem
          sided over the ceremony on April 14 in which the corps’   solver for the QM field, CASCOM and the Army. He has
          regimental flag was passed to Rice from outgoing RCSM        worked to improve the digital rucksack of our soldiers. He
          Command Sgt. Maj. Jimmy J. Sellers, who had held the   has added rigor to our NCO program of instruction. He
          position since April 2015.                                                      has championed physi-
             Fogg considers Rice a                                                        cal readiness and master
          worthy and capable suc-                                                         fitness training. He has
          cessor to Sellers in leading                                                    improved promotions for
          the Quartermaster Corps.                                                        our star (military occupa-
          “Through a great selection                                                      tional specialties). It is for
          process, another outstand-                                                      these reasons, I’m sure, he
          ing, highly experienced                                                         was selected for his next
          NCO is here to lead the                                                         job (as the commandant
          mighty QM Corps, and                                                            of the U.S. Army Sergeants
          we couldn’t be happier,”                                                        Major Academy, Fort Bliss,
          Fogg said. “Looking at                                                          Texas).”
          CSM Rice’s bio in the pro-                                                         Accomplished enlisted
          gram, you’ll see he has the                                                     leaders like Sellers, Fogg
          right credentials to assume                                                     observed, deserve to be
          this position.,” Fogg said.                                                     celebrated for their pains-
          “Leadership, staff jobs,                                                        taking efforts to protect
          deployments, recent op-                                                         and professionally de-
          erational experience … he       Brig. Gen. Rodney D. Fogg, quartermaster general, passes the   velop soldiers while serv-
          has the perspectives neces-     command flag to Command Sgt. Maj. Sean J. Rice, incoming   ing as steadfast pillars of
          sary to hit the ground running and   regimental CSM, during an April 14 change of responsibility   support.
                                          ceremony in the Lee Club ballroom. Rice replaced Command Sgt.
          bring to the schoolhouse and our   Maj. Jimmy J. Sellers, who had held the position since April 2015.  In parting remarks, Sellers
          soldiers exactly what is needed.                                         summed up his time at Fort Lee
          He is indeed the right person at the right time to serve   with a single word, spectacular. Thanking numerous “game-
          as the 13th regimental command sergeant major. He will   changing” individuals in the audience, he said the suc-
          excel because that’s what he does best. There is no doubt   cesses he achieved as RCSM were inextricably linked to
          in my mind that CSM Rice will take our corps and the   the “exceptional officers, warrant officers, NCOs, soldiers
          Army to new heights.”                               and civilians” around him.
             Rice is just a few months shy of his 29th year in the   The QM School has more professionally trained and
          Army. Positions of leadership listed in Rice’s bio include   certified instructors than any of the other 17 TRADOC [U.S.
          everything from drill sergeant at Fort Benning, Ga., to ob-  Army Training and Doctrine Command] learning institu-
          server coach/trainer at the Joint Readiness Training Center,   tions, Sellers proudly stated. During his tenure, nearly 300
          Fort Polk, La. He has served with the Special Operations   qualification badges have been awarded. “I am very proud
          Command in Hawaii and the 82nd Sustainment Brigade   of each and every instructor, AIT platoon sergeant and first
          at Fort Bragg, N.C. He was the senior enlisted leader for   sergeant,” he said. “Your hard work and contributions to
          CASCOM’s Capabilities, Development and Integration   our corps have been game changing, and I thank you.”
          Directorate prior to assuming the RCSM position.       Sellers offered the following words of encouragement
             He thanked Sellers for “setting the blueprint” of suc-  to Rice.
          cess, and acknowledged the significance of being selected   “Continue to evolve and develop a culture of sustainable
          as the QM Corps’ senior enlisted leader.            readiness,” he said. “It is imperative to search for ways to
             “I am humbled and honored by this opportunity,” he   prepare NCOs and soldiers to be multi-dimensional sus-
          said, “and I am ready to assume the mantle of leader-  tainers who can handle the many challenges of operating
          ship, with the expectation of raising the bar even higher.   in a complex and ever-changing world. Create a positive
          I am committed and focused on the task of developing   and influential environment. You have inherited a great
          combat-ready logisticians who are relevant today in their   team of professionals. They will take care of you if you
          formation and ready to fight day or night.”         take care of them.”
          6    GOVERNMENT FOOD SERVICE • JULY 2017
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