Page 18 - mch0217_BuyersGuide
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The Guest House at U.S. Coast Guard Base Kodiak in Alaska              New mattresses were a big part of the refresh. “The bed
    recently underwent a $55,000 refresh.                        is such a big deal in the room,” she said. “They are standard
    The work was done under the leadership of Jen Aldrete,       hotel rooms, and you have to be really creative when it comes
Guest House manager, who took the position in time for the       to that, because you don’t have a living room to play with and
project to begin. “We did all of the renovations in the past     we don’t have hot tubs in our rooms. When you first go into
year,” she said. “They knew that they were going to purchase     a hotel room, the first thing you see is the bed. That needs to
these items, it is just that none of it was done yet. I had the  pop out to you. If you have a poor-looking bed, everything
privilege — and I say privilege because this was really fun      else looks dull. When you walk into our rooms, you see this
— to purchase these items, and do the staging at the hotel       huge bed. My thing has always been, does a person want to
and getting it done.”                                            dive into bed? They should want to dive into this really neat
                                                                 bed. My focus on that is that it has to pop when you walk in.”
    Aldrete said that certain areas were in need of renovation.
“Things were getting old, like mattresses and other things,          The mattresses, which were purchased through the Coast
and it was time to refresh. We have beautiful lodge-themed       Guard Exchange System, feature pillow tops. “They are pretty
furniture in the room with logs. It was time to refresh every-   tall,” said Aldrete. “From there we decided to do the pillows.
thing else and just make those rooms pop. We still have the      They are very fluffy.”
lodge theme, with the really thick-type of beds, and desks,
and chairs. We’ve just upgraded the things around it.”               With the new, thicker mattresses, new linens were needed.
                                                                 “We had to change our linens because with pillow tops, we had
   The room refresh included new mattresses.
                                                                                  to get a deeper pocket linen,” she said. “We got
                                                                                       our linens from American Hotel Register,
                                                                                          who I have worked with for years and
                                                                                            have been used here in the past. They
                                                                                              are great to work with. They turned
                                                                                               around our linens before we got the
                                                                                                    The rooms also feature the Oxy-
                                                                                                 gen Collection of amenities from
                                                                                                 American Hotel Register.
                                                                                                     Another change was made in
                                                                                                 the guest rooms due to the region’s
                                                                                                 shorter periods of sunlight during
                                                                                                 certain times of the year. “We put
                                                                                                nightlights in the room,” said Al-
                                                                                               drete. “There is not a lot of lighting
                                                                                              outside. What we have done is put
                                                                                             LED nightlights inside the rooms to
                                                                                           give guests a pathway to the bathroom.”

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