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                                    Navy Yacht Club Celebrates

                      54th Annual Opening Day on Coronado Bay

               avy Yacht Club San Diego (NYC-
           NSD) celebrated its 54th annual
          opening day of the sailing season on
          March 5, at Fiddler’s Cove Marina — a
          Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR)
          facility in Coronado, Calif.
             NYCSD is a nonprofit club that sup-
          ports MWR’s sailing program efforts by
          organizing races and maintaining club
          facilities. Membership is available to all
          active-duty service members, retirees,
          Department of Defense employees and
          their families.
             Additionally, Navy Band Southwest
          was on site and played each service                                      Musician First Class Christopher Bour-
          branch’s song during the service mem-                                    geois leads Navy Band Southwest dur-
                                                                                   ing an opening-day ceremony at Navy
          ber recognition portion of the ceremony.  now moored in the marina. “We are also   Yacht Club, located at the MWR Fid-
             “The really great part about this   integrated with the other San Diego-area   dler’s Cove Marina on Coronado Island.
          club is that it allows active-duty service   yacht clubs; we do charity events and   With more than 700 members now,
          members, retirees, Reservists and MWR   races with them, and we are committed   Navy Yacht Club San Diego opened
          participants who might not be able to   to support and give back to the Navy   in 1964 and supports MWR in offering
          otherwise afford it, or have other barriers,   community and the local community.”  affordable access to sailing lessons,
          to get into the yachting community,” said   Annually, the club hosts dozens of   boat races and club amenities.
          Calder Epes, commodore of NYCSD.   races and regattas, as well as fundraisers   (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist
                                                                                          1st Class Will Gaskill)
          “This is a sort-of gateway to get out on   to support local and national charities.
          the water and enjoy some of San Diego’s   This sailing season, NYCSD plans to
          natural maritime resources.”       host a series of events focused on getting   NYCSD donates more than $100,000
             Epes is a prior enlisted service mem-  service members’ children involved in   to one particular national-level charity
          ber and now serves as an aviation instruc-  the sport with a family-focused sailing   every year, as well as many other causes
          tor on Naval Air Station North Island,   series.                      the club chooses to support.
          just miles away from NYCSD’s location.  “This year, we are working on creat-  The Navy MWR-managed Fiddler’s
             The club comprises more than 700   ing a youth racing program,” said Epes.   Cove Marina club site, also a campground
          members, and according to NYCSD, that   “This is a great way to get military de-  and RV park, serves as a venue for sea-
          makes it the largest club associated under   pendent children out there on the water,   soned and novice sailors alike to have
          the Navy Sailing Association, based in   in an affordable way.”       an affordable and friendly way to take
          Annapolis, Md.                        In addition to providing military   part in an otherwise expensive pastime.
             “We’ve been doing this since 1964   families with the opportunity to sail   The boating season runs from March
          when this marina was tiny — just a few   with their club, NYCSD supports lo-  until late fall, with weekly sailing and
          docks,” said retired Navy Capt. Peter   cal and national charities through vari-  social events in San Diego harbor and
          Hunt, a staff commodore at NYCSD,   ous fundraisers it holds throughout the   co-hosted by other yacht clubs throughout
          while pointing to the hundreds of vessels   year. For example, according to Hunt,   the San Diego area.

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