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                Outdoor Refrigeration Saves Valuable Space Indoors

              What’s one of the most ef-                                                  years old. Other than having
            fective ways of creating more                                                 to put new refrigeration in it,
            space back-of-house? Take out                                                 it’s ready to go again.”
            the walk-in cooler or freezer by                                                 Another reason  they
            installing one on the outside of                                              work so well for Ritenour
            the store instead. That’s been the                                            is they come pre-wired,
            experience of Dave Ritenour, di-                                              pre-assembled and ready to
            rector of maintenance for Pizza                                               operate. That ease of installa-
            Hut of Fort Wayne (Indiana), a                                                tion minimizes downtime for
            51-store Pizza Hut franchisee.                                                his operations. “It’s an easy
              “In many of our stores,                                                     setup,” says Ritenour. “They
            we’ve outgrown the existing                                                   show up at 7:30 a.m. and by
            cooler or freezer,” said Riten-                                               11 that same morning, it’s up
            our. “So we put a new one on   At this Pizza Hut store, the current           and running. It’s just a matter
            the back end of the store. As   Polar King walk-in is attached in a           of hooking up the electrical
            soon as that is functional, we   “through-wall” configuration, while          and they’re ready for use.”
            tear out the existing coolers and   an older unit has been converted             Like every foodservice
            freezers. That gives us more dry-  to dry storage. The convenient and   next to one   operation, each of Ritenour’s Pizza Hut
                                          efficient walk-ins free up back-of-the-
            storage or prep area.”        house space for storage or food prep.  of his cur-  units has its unique needs, so his cool-
              For nearly 35 years, he has                           rent stores.   ers and freezers are customized to meet
            looked to Polar King to provide                         “The exist-  those needs. “Every one of my units is
            his outdoor cooler and freezer solutions.   ing store had a Polar King unit on the   custom — different heights, different
            One of his main reasons for choosing   back end of it,” Ritenour said. “Before   slopes of the roof, different lengths,
            Polar King units is their durability. “They   we demolished the old store, we had   different location of the doorways,” he
            hold up better over time,” he said.   the Polar King unit picked up because   said. “A lot of our stores will have two
              As proof, he gives the example   we’re going to use it at another store   double doors of glass; some even have
            of a new Pizza Hut store being built   this spring. The box they picked up is 25   three double doors.”
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