Page 26 - mch0417_Magazine
P. 26


          “We have a We Proudly Serve Star-
          bucks operation for the patrons in
          there,” he said. “It is open not only
          to the people inside the CRAB, but
          there is an entrance on the outside
          so that people can come in. We co-
          located that to create some synergy
          in there to get business from the parents who are in there for
          the playgrounds so they can get a cup of coffee for when the
          kids are playing.”
             The CRAB also has a snack bar with convenience items
          like pre-made sandwiches and hot dogs on a roller grill.
             “With the Wi-Fi, mom and dad can sit at the tables there,
          enjoy a cup of coffee, and the kids just go and play,” said
             The CRAB has also become a gathering spot for young

                                                              families. “What is really nice about this facility, because of
                                                              how open it is, you will rarely go in there and find a mom
                                                              sitting alone while her kids are playing,” said Hutchens. “It
                                                              is a spot for moms to get together with other moms. It is very
                                                              conducive to play dates.”
                                                                 There were a few concerns before the facility first opened.
                                                              “One of the things that initially we weren’t sure about was use
                                                              during the week while school was in,” Spinnenweber. “That
                                                              has not been an issue, because there are a lot of homeschoolers
                                                              in there. Stay-at home moms will drop off toddlers and they
                                                              are all meeting. There is a gathering area and it is a natural
                                                              place to socialize.”
                                                                 Another concern was whether the base community would
                                                              take to the name. “Sometimes you worry if you name a facil-
                                                              ity, is your community going to take to it?” said Hutchens.
                                                              “It really was a homerun in that everybody knows what you
                                                              mean when you say you are going to the CRAB. We have re-
                                                              ally done a very good job of branding this facility with that
                                                              crab logo for people to identify with it. It is definitely a model
                                                              facility for the Navy.”                     —MCH

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