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          How Dark-Meat Chicken                                  The blending of different cuts of meat can go unnoticed

               Creates Unique and                             in certain recipes where chicken is a component. Consum-
                                                              ers will be satisfied with great taste, so a blend allows chefs
            Nutritious Menu Items                             to deliver the same yield at a lower cost. White-meat and
                                                              dark-meat chicken, depending on the application, can be in-
                                                              terchangeable. For example, when making a chicken chili or
                                                              stew, customers often cannot tell whether white meat or dark
          BY JEREMY LYCAN                                     meat is used. If anything, they will notice the juicy flavor and
                                                              tender texture of the dark meat.
                hen it comes to chicken, white meat seems to be the   By using every cut of chicken, operators and chefs can
           Wpopular choice for consumers. Even though most reci-  maximize costs without compromising on the creativity of
          pes call for white-meat chicken, there is more to chicken than   the food coming out of their kitchen. Experimenting with
          just the breast and wings. Often underestimated, dark-meat   dark-meat chicken can also help attract new consumers and
          chicken offers a variety of benefits that are valuable in the   retain existing customers. Dark-meat chicken gives opera-
          foodservice industry.                               tors the opportunity to change up the menu more frequently,
             Consumers and operators choose dark-meat chicken because   while offering a more affordable alternative to beef and pork.
          of its nutritional value. Compared to white-meat chicken, dark-
          meat chicken is far higher in minerals, which are essential   OPPORTUNITY FOR MORE FLAVOR
          for maintaining good health. In addition, dark-meat cuts of   Chicken is one of the most versatile proteins. It can be
          chicken typically cost less than white-meat cuts. This allows   roasted, grilled, broiled and poached. Dark-meat chicken is
          operators to increase their margins, offer more affordable   ultimately used for flavor, the driver chefs strive for.
          dishes and get more creative in their menu planning. Not only   Dark-meat chicken’s notable moist and rich flavor as com-
          is dark-meat chicken nutritional and cost effective, it is also   pared to white-meat chicken is due to its higher fat content.
          juicy, tender and packed with flavor.               When it comes to taste, dark-meat chicken offers an undeniably
                                                              richer taste than white-meat chicken. The higher fat content
          WHITE MEAT VS. DARK MEAT: WHICH IS MORE NUTRITIOUS?  gives it a juicier flavor and therefore does not dry out as easily
             So what is the real difference between white-meat and   as white-meat chicken, making it more versatile for all recipes.
          dark-meat chicken? They both come from the same bird, but   When cooking hearty dishes like white-bean chicken chili
          white meat is found in the breast and wings, and dark meat   or a creamy chicken potato stew, dark-meat chicken gives
          in legs and thighs. The grayish hue of dark-meat chicken is   these recipes a richer poultry base. Its juicy texture builds
          actually caused by myoglobin, the protein found in the bird’s   a canvas of flavors that chefs can build upon with other in-
          tissue. Myoglobin is responsible for moving oxygen to the   gredients and spices. Dark-meat chicken’s strong flavor has
          chicken’s muscles, and the varying amounts account for the   the ability to pick up others, making it a perfect solution for
          difference in color between white and dark meat. Muscles   chefs cooking in large volume. Instead of grilling individual
          that are used more regularly, like legs and thighs, are darker   chicken breasts, dark-meat chicken can be cooked in large
          than muscles that are used less frequently, like the breast.  pots with other ingredients to combine all the juicy flavors.
             White-meat and dark-meat chicken also have different   Dark-meat chicken offers flavorful, versatile and cost-
          nutritional values. Dark-meat chicken is loaded with iron and   effective benefits all in one cut of meat. With the fluctuat-
          zinc, helping make it an ideal part of a balanced diet. While   ing price of chicken, operators should take full advantage of
          dark-meat chicken does contain saturated fat, a majority of it   dark-meat chicken to enhance their offerings and operation
          is found in the skin, which can be easily removed.  to attract new and existing customers.
                                                                 Jeremy Lycan is culinary strategy/execution & product
          GET MORE OUT OF YOUR MEAT                           training chef with Tyson Foodservice Teams.
             As budgeting, menu plan-
          ning and managing margins be-
          come even more important in the
          foodservice industry, chefs and
          operators are looking to lower
          food expenses. As the cost of
          whole chickens fluctuates, find-
          ing new uses of the whole bird
          is important.
             A common solution in the
          foodservice industry is blending
          portions of white- and dark-meat
          chicken to deliver an optimal lean-
          to-fat ratio, while at the same time
          offsetting high costs. White-meat
          chicken tends to cost more; there-
          fore the more dark-meat chicken
          used in the mixed blend, the more
          cost effective it becomes.

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