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P. 27


                                 A Uniform Look

                                        At Edelweiss

                                             Military Club & Hospitality spoke with
              Military Club & Hospitality:    Kathy Steele, rooms division manager at     Steele: No, they do not; but
              Please talk about the importance   Edelweiss Lodge and Resort about uniforms   we do allow employees to dress in
              of uniforms and proper attire for   that employees wear at the Armed Forces   their personal Bavarian Trachten
              your hospitality employees. What   Recreation Center (AFRC) in Germany.  during Bavarian Festivals to add
              image do you want them to project                                        local color to the resort (stressing
              through the uniforms they wear?                                          again that it’s position-appropriate
              Does this clothing, if nothing else,     level management and some   attire).
              allow for ease in identifying as-        support departments have the
              sociates, what they do, and how          option of wearing a uniform   MCH: How often do you change the
              they can help guests, if needed?         or not. If they opt not to wear   style and look of your uniforms? Do
                                                       a uniform, they must wear      you have seasonal changes?
               Kathy Steele: Serving the               position-appropriate attire.
            United States military brings large                                     Steele: Most of the uniforms can be
            expectations of quality, which in-         MCH: Who is your uniform   worn year-round. We change style as
            clude a clean-cut, well-groomed            supplier? Are you purchasing   needed if an item is discontinued or if
            and neat appearance. We want our guests   directly through the supplier or GSA?  operations require it.
            and their families to feel comfortable,
            valued and appreciated. To support this,   Steele: We utilize a few suppliers and   MCH: What type of printing is used
            we provide and maintain much of the   purchase directly from them.     on uniforms right now? Is digital and
            clothing items worn by our employees                                   screen-printing the norm, or is some
            while at work. This consistency makes   MCH: How do you choose the uni-  type of stitched printing used in any
            our employees easily identifiable to guests   forms and their style? Are you able   way?
            and co-workers and contributes to our   to choose the uniforms locally or are
            overall image.                      you directed from a central authority?  Steele: Depending on the item, we
                                                                                 use both screen-painting or embroidery
              MCH: Are all of your employees re-  Steele: The uniform styles selected   for our logo.
              quired to wear uniforms? If not, how   fall in line with the overall theme and
              do you decide who does or does not?   image the Edelweiss Lodge and Resort   MCH: How do you handle the laun-
              Are employees given their own set of   represents. We make our own decisions   dering of the uniforms?
                        uniforms?             on where we purchase uniforms.
                                                                                    Steele: We wash almost everything
               Steele: All line-level employees are   MCH: Do your uniforms reflect any   in our in-house laundry. We send out
            required to wear uniforms provided by the   connection to local German culture   just a few items to a local dry cleaner.
            resort. They are issued three sets. Upper-  or traditional dress?                               —MCH

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