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Westbrook Receives White Plume Award
                            n January, Lorenzo Westbrook, deputy director of the Family
                          I and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Directorate (DFMWR) at
                          Fort Hood, Texas, received the White Plume Award, a prestigious
                          honor given to only a select few since its establishment in 1982.
                             “Today was a very special day for our garrison team as we
                          honored Mr. Lorenzo Westbrook with the Army’s second-highest
                         medal for achievement in support of
                        Army Family and MWR programs,” U.S.   During a January ceremony, USAG Fort
                       Army Garrison Fort Hood Commander Col.   Hood Commander Col. Hank Perry places
           The Order   Hank Perry said, noting that Westbrook   the White Plume medallion around the
           of the White   is only the 440th recipient of this honor.  neck of Lorenzo Westbrook, deputy
           Plume, a pres-  “He has demon-                 DFMWR director at Fort Hood, Texas.
           tigious honor   strated, through both
           given to only   outcomes and perfor-
           a select few   mance, that he is a role
           since its es-  model for every FMWR
           tablishment   employee and leader in
             in 1982.
                       what they should strive
                       to be,” Perry said. “Over
            the years, Lorenzo set the example as
            the Fort Hood Equal Employment Op-
            portunity (EEO) Supervisor of the Year
            in 2002, led initiatives and improve-
            ment as the Child and Youth Services
            division chief, continuously mentored
            subordinates as they progressed within
            the civil service, and has been selected
            to periodically serve as the acting deputy
            to the garrison commander.

               “Lorenzo embodies the selfless
            leader who tirelessly works to make our
            community better each and every day,”
            Perry added. “I appreciate Installation
            Management Command’s (IMCOM)
            support in recognizing Mr. Westbrook
            as a lifelong professional committed
            to our soldiers and families.”
               Westbrook has been in civil service
            for more than 36 years, the last 22 at
            “The Great Place,” as Fort Hood is
            known in the Army. Until the ceremony
            began, Westbrook had no idea he was
            receiving the award.
               “I was shocked and overwhelmed,”
            he said, recalling an annual MWR con-
            ference in the early 1990s when one
            of his superiors received the award. “I
            made the statement that one day, I’m
            going to receive the White Plume, but
            20-plus years later it had not happened.
               “When Col. Perry stated what award
            was being presented, I was in awe. I felt
            so honored and blessed to be thought of
            so highly by my leaders and peers alike,
            to have this award bestowed on me. I’m
            finally in the ranks of all those great
            servants of FMWR who paved the way
            for me to reach this peak in my career.”
               FMWR Director Nick Johnsen said

            JUNE 2018  |  MILITARY CLUB & HOSPITALITY                                                        5
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