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          Shaw AFB Outdoor Recreation holds open house
              he 20th Force Support   as camping 101, swimming and
           TSquadron Outdoor Rec-   boating. They also maintain
          reation staff at Shaw AFB, S.C.,   the Falcon’s Nest FamCamp,
          hosted an open house on base   Woodland Pool, Wateree Recre-
          May 9. The event aimed to give   ation Area, base picnic grounds
          Team Shaw members informa-  and Skeet and Trap Range.
          tion about the facility and a   During the expo, guests en-
          chance to learn about what it   tered a raffle to win prizes, ate a
          offers to the community.  free lunch and spoke with rep-
             “It’s an opportunity for the   resentatives from different rec-
          base to come out and see what   reational areas as well as other
          we do,” said Tim Godwin, 20th   agencies such as Department   Marty Long (right), 20th Force Support Squadron Skeet and Trap Range manager,
          FSS outdoor recreation direc-  of Natural Resources and the   speaks with Team Shaw spouse Evelyn Walters during the Outdoor Recreation open
          tor. “We’re finding out a lot of   Shaw 5/6 Club, a private non-  house at Shaw AFB, S.C., May 9, 2018. The Skeet and Trap Range offers skeet, trap
          people on base have never been   profit organization intended to   and archery shooting in addition to hosting intramural leagues and special events.
          here before. We want people   help junior non-commissioned   what nature has to offer — even   p.m. for service members and
          to know what we’re about. We   officers succeed.    if you just float around on the   their families as well as De-
          take a lot of pride in what we do   “With you guys getting   lake in a kayak or canoe, it’s so   fense Department civilians and
          and we’re here to serve military   deployed and things like that,   relaxing — everybody needs to   retirees. For more information,
          members.”                 spending time outdoors is a   get away from the workplace   call 803-895-0450 or e-mail
             The staff provides supply   good stress reliever,” Godwin   and destress.”
          and equipment rentals for a   told attendees. “It’s a good   The Outdoor Recreation fa-  Report and U.S. Air Force
          variety of sports and events,   chance to spend time with your   cility is open Monday through   photos by Senior Airman
          hosts morale trips such as sky-  family, get away from comput-  Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.   Destinee Sweeney
          diving and teaches classes such   ers and television, and enjoy   and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2

             Four AFR Programs Among NRPA Park and                       Extravaganza for Earth Day
                      Recreation Gold Finalists
                our  Armed  Forces   SEVEN CLASSES
            FRecreation (AFR)          Applications are sepa-
            programs are among the   rated into seven classes,
            finalists in the 2018 Na-  with five classes based on
            tional Gold Medal Awards   population, one class for
            for Excellence in Park and   Armed Forces Recreation
            Recreation Management.  and one class, awarded on
              Presented by the Ameri-  odd numbered years, for
            can Academy for Park and   state park systems.
            Recreation Administration   A panel of five park-
            (AAPRA) in partnership with   and-recreation professionals   The Earth Day Extravaganza held at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center,
            the National Recreation and   reviews and judges all appli-  Twentynine Palms, Calif., in April brought families together to educate them on
                                                                        how to be better stewards of the Earth’s resources.
            Park Association, the Gold   cation materials. Judges are
            Medal Awards  program   chosen for their considerable   hat could be better   ganza is to bring the instal-
            honors communities that   experience and knowledge in  Wfor Earth Day than   lation’s families together to
            demonstrate excellence in   parks and recreation on both   an outdoor recreation event   teach them about recycling and
            parks and recreation through   the local and national levels.   with the purpose of improving   conservation, and how they
            long-range planning; resource   This year’s finalists will   the earth?     can help support that mission.
            management; volunteerism;   compete for Grand Plaque   The 4th Annual Earth Day   “Today is meant primar-
            environmental stewardship;   Award honors this summer,   Extravaganza at Marine Corps   ily as outreach for families to
            program development; pro-  and the six Grand Plaque   Air-Ground Combat Center   spread sustainability practic-
            fessional development and   recipients will be announced   Twentynine Palms, Calif.,   es,” said NREA Director Maj.
            agency recognition.     live during the NRPA Gen-  hosted by the Center’s Natural   David L. Tran. “We’re located
              The Armed Forces Rec-  eral Session at the 2018   Resources and Environmen-  in a remote area, which makes
            reation finalists are:  NRPA Annual Conference    tal Affairs (NREA) Division   it difficult to sustain air and
             • MCAS Iwakuni, Japan  in Indianapolis, Ind., Sept.   and Lincoln Military Hous-  water quality and conserve
             • NAS Pensacola, Fla.  25–27, 2018.              ing, took place at the Military   land resources. Our mission
             • Portsmouth NSY, Kit-    For more information on   Housing Athletic Field aboard   is to be better stewards of the
               tery, Maine          the Gold Medal Awards, visit   the Combat Center on April   resources we have.”
             • NS Guantanamo Bay, or   13, 2018.                 Over the past four years,
               Cuba.                    The purpose of the extrava-  this event has given parents

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