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a chance to wind down and   base is always throwing events
            relax while their children are   like this.”
            able to have freedom to play   According to Keith Mohn,
            with their friends. In addition,   research scientist and HMMS
            the extravaganza provides at-  programmer for Battelle, the
            tendees with a large variety of   annual Earth Day event has
            free food and activities.  contributed to Combat Center
              “The best part about today   patrons’ preservation efforts.
            was that the kids have so much   “Since we started the ex-
            to do,” said Sam Hoversten,   travaganza, there’s been a di-
            wife of Sgt. Maj. Jared Ho-  rect correlation to an increase
            vertsen, 2nd Battalion, 7th   in recycling and conservation
            Marine Regiment’s sergeant   aboard the base,” Mohn said.
            major. “From the bounce   “We’re 1 percent away from
            houses to the dog show, tacos,   reaching this year’s goal, and
            face painting and kettlecorn,   we believe this event will get
            I was kept busy too. I don’t   us there.”
            have to watch them closely   Report and U.S. Marine Corps
            because I know they’re going   photo by Lance Cpl. Rachel K.
            to be safe here. I love that the   Porter

                   German State Honors Outdoor Rec
                           Director Joe Harris

                 t its annual Hessentag   in Germany.
             Afestival early in June,   Hessen Minister President
            the German state of Hes-  Volker Bouffier presented the
            sen honors citizens for their   award to Harris, and during
            community service, as well as   the ceremony he thanked the
            efforts to promote German-  German armed forces and the
            American relations.       U.S. military in Germany for
              Among the honorees this   their service and cooperation.
            year was U.S. Army Garrison   The week-long Hessentag
            Wiesbaden Family and MWR   festival − featuring amusement
            Outdoor Recreation Director   rides, street performances,
            Joseph Harris. Harris was pub-  food and drinks − is held in
            licly recognized for his work   a different city each year. This
            in strengthening German-  year’s location in Korbach
            American relations.       brought more than 600,000
              Since 2014, he has been   visitors to the northern part
            the coordinator of the annual   of the state.
            German-American Friendship   Report and photo by Nadine
            Fest in Wiesbaden and has   Bower, USAG Wiesbaden
            significantly enhanced coop-    public affairs
            eration between Germans and
            Americans. He ensures that
            German clubs that are dedi-
            cated to showcasing American
            culture are included in the fest
            every year, so that they have
            a place to share their love for
            American culture with Ameri-
            cans and Germans alike.
              Additionally, Harris always
            invites German tourism offices
            and other agencies to advertise   In early June, Hessen Minister Presi-
            for their towns during the fest,   dent Volker Bouffier publicly recog-
            in order to give Americans liv-  nized Joe Harris, USAG Wiesbaden
            ing in and around Wiesbaden   FMWR Outdoor Recreation director,
                                       for his work in strengthening German-
            ways to get to know their home   American relations.

            JUNE 2018  |  MILITARY CLUB & HOSPITALITY                                                        11
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