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                   Military Lodging’s “Enterprise” Future Awaits Outcome of
                                    Centralization, Privatization Study

             n response to a mandate in the fiscal   pipes’ to a whole-of-DoD alignment.”  progressed sufficiently for DoD to say,
           I2017 National Defense Authorization   Two of the business lines slated for   “The military lodging initiative is under-
          Act (NDAA), the Pentagon is studying   a planned enterprise approach are mili-  way already.” According to Sherwood, a
          the possibility of consolidating, privatiz-  tary resale and military lodging opera-  “crossfunctional team was formed earlier
          ing or completely divesting the military   tions, both singled out as “early wins”   this year and is in the planning phase.”
          services’ official lodging operations.  in terms of cost reduction and productiv-  One step has already been taken
             According to one source familiar with   ity improvements, with expected “initial   in the lodging area; though telephone
          the topic and the analysis currently un-  transition to enterprise management” by   reservations are currently still handled
          der way, it will probably boil down to   the end of the second quarter of FY18   by individual lodging entities, online
          centralization or privatization.   — March 31, 2018.                  booking for service lodging facilities
             The Army, Navy, Marine Corps and   When it comes to leadership of the   has been centralized for several years,
          Air Force currently operate six lodging   initial phases of exchange and lodging   through the website.
          systems with more than 50,000 rooms,   reform area, Christopher Sherwood, a   The seven service lodging entities
          generating more than $800 million in   Department of Defense spokesman, said,   covered by the Pentagon study and the
          annual revenue. In addition, under the   “These initiatives fall under the Com-  organizations to which they report are
          Privatized Army Lodging (PAL) program,   munity Services reform area, the leader   listed below, showing which entities
          InterContinental Hotels Group oversees   of which is to be named shortly.”  are available for temporary duty stays
          roughly 20,000 rooms on posts through-  Asked about any steps the DCMO or-  (TDY) and which for permanent changes
          out the United States. The Coast Guard,   ganization may already have taken regard-  of station (PCS):

                                                   Navy Gateway Inns and Suites
                                                   (NGIS), Naval Base Ventura
                                                   County (NBVC), Port Hueneme

          not included in the Pentagon study, runs   ing enterprise management of military
          its own lodging operation, with 599   lodging and military exchanges, the DoD   • Army TDY and PCS, outside the
          rooms generating $5 million a year.  spokesman said, “The department is just   U.S. (Army Lodges), Army In-
             Section 901 of the 2017 NDAA di-  beginning its journey toward enterprise   stallation Management Com-
          rected changes in the Defense Depart-  management of community services and   mand (IMCOM);
          ment’s acquisition organization and   will leverage its experiences in planning   • Army TDY and PCS, within the
          procedures and elevated the position   and executing similar journeys.”  U.S. (InterContinental Hotels
          of deputy chief management officer    He cited as examples “the consolida-  Group), Privatized Army Lodg-
          (DCMO) to chief management officer.   tion of the military commissary systems   ing (PAL), Assistant Secretary of
          It required a report regarding how DoD   into the Defense Commissary Agency   the Army, Installations, Energy
          would implement the changes.       (DeCA) and Army’s community services   & Environment (IE&E);
             “While much work remains to be   into the Installation Management Com-  • Navy TDY (Navy Gateway Inns
          done,” according to the Aug. 1 Pentagon   mand (IMCOM) in the 1990s.”    and Suites), Commander Navy
          response, “this report explains how the   Sherwood said the department is also   Installations Command (CNIC);
          DoD will reorganize to better pursue   “drawing upon past studies and working   • Navy PCS (Navy Lodge), Navy
          the goals of technological superiority,   group recommendations” as it consid-  Exchange Service Command;
          affordable systems, and well managed   ers this area of reform, including those   • Marine Corps TDY (USMC Tran-
          business operations.”              of the Military Compensation and Re-  sient Housing), Marine Corps In-
             An important part of the report’s   tirement Modernization Commission   stallations Command (MCICOM);
          many strategies was “reforming” opera-  (MCRMC), the Common Services Task   • Marine Corps PCS (Inns of the
          tions within DoD’s business lines — in   Force (CSTF) and the Defense Resale   Corps), Marine Corps Commu-
          particular within the DCMO organization   Business Optimization Board (DRBOB).   nity Services (MCCS) - Category
          — into systems with a department-wide   The CSTF, a 2013 DoD initiative, had   C MWR activity;
          approach, by taking “explicit action” to   “evaluated enterprise management of   • Air Force TDY and PCS (Air
          shift DoD business operations to “enter-  morale, welfare and recreation (MWR)   Force Inns), Air Force Installa-
          prise services” from “the current military   programs,” he said.         tion and Mission Support Center
          department and defense agency ‘stove-  Some aspects of reform had already   (AFIMSC).

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