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                                                              thinking about next year’s event and improving upon how
                                                              the festival went this year. “My favorite part was walking
                                                              around and just seeing all the single soldiers and the diversity
                                                              of everybody and how they just interacted and had fun,” he
                                                              said. “As the president of BOSS, I felt [that we had accom-
                                                              plished something] to see that, because that’s my mission.”
                                                              “NO SOLDIER GETS LEFT BEHIND” LUNCHEON
                                                                                Reaching out to soldiers who were
                                                                             alone for Thanksgiving, Fort Hood’s BOSS
                                                                             program hosted a “No Soldier Gets Left
                                                                             Behind” post-holiday luncheon on Nov.
           Above: Pvt. Xavier Carranza hits a ping pong ball to Pvt.         29 at Casey Memorial Library, which was
           Kevin Toro during a close table tennis match at BOSS head-        serving as the program’s temporary head-
           quarters during the “No Soldier Gets Left Behind” post-           quarters while the permanent headquarters
           Thanksgiving luncheon. Approximately 35 single soldiers           was being renovated.
           attended the event.                                                  “We’re doing this for the single soldiers
           Right: Sgt. Ishmael Muhammad lines up his aim as he pre-          so they have a place to come, get out of the
           pares to hit a mass of balls during a pool competition at the
           BOSS program’s “No Soldier Gets Left Behind” luncheon.            barracks and have fun,” Navarro explained.
           Photos: Brandy Cruz, Fort Hood Sentinel News Editor               “This is something BOSS does to improve
                                                                             the quality of life for our single soldiers.”
          ways we give back to them, trying to give                             The temporary headquarters has several
          them something to smile for.”                                      rooms, including space for a movie theater,
             A lot of money and planning went into                           where Netflix movies are streamed. The
          organizing the festival, Lynce said, adding                        site has a pool table, darts, air hockey, ping
          that 1,200 soldiers were in attendance. The                        pong and video games and more things for
          event organizers worked together to plan activities based on   single soldiers to enjoy on their time off.
          what went well in past years’ events and from soldier input.   Approximately 35 soldiers attended the event, many of
          “From what I hear, the soldiers liked it, they had a good time,”   whom are new to the base, which is often referred to as “The
          he said. “They thought it was really good.”         Great Place.” These soldiers were made to feel like part of
             New to the festival this year, Lynce said, was an inflat-  the Fort Hood family at the luncheon. Navarro went to the
          able obstacle course, a trash can pong game and an increased   Reception Detachment to personally invite the soldiers to the
          number of vendors, including MWR passing out free boxes   event and make them feel right at home at Fort Hood.
          of Girl Scout Cookies.                                 “A lot of the soldiers are here by themselves and don’t
             BOSS President Sgt. Antonio Navarro first stepped into his   have the luxury of going home to someone else, so the BOSS
          new leadership role a week prior to the event. “I feel it went   program is kind of like family,” said Neicey Davis, BOSS
          great, especially it being my first ‘rodeo,’” he said. “The single   advisor with FMWR.
          soldiers — they came, they showed up, they conquered, they   Throughout the day, soldiers were able to participate in a
          had fun; and it makes me feel great to be the president of this,   pool tournament, play video games, watch movies and eat a
          but I wouldn’t be able to do it                                                free lunch. They were also
          without the help of the advi-                                                  drawing for door prizes ev-
          sors and the vice president                                                    ery 20 minutes.
          and all the sponsorships.”   ‘That’s really what BOSS is about —  better          Navarro said the goal
             Events like the Single                                                      of the event was to make
          Soldiers Fest are important   opportunities. And that’s what we did here today.’  single soldiers feel welcome
          to letting the single-soldier                                                  at Fort Hood and to let them
          community know they are               — BOSS President Sgt. Antonio Navarro    know they have a family in
          appreciated, Navarro said.                                                      the BOSS program. “We
          “That’s really what BOSS                                                        want them to know they
          is about — better oppor-                                                        have somebody there for
          tunities, And that’s what                                                       them … BOSS is always
          we did here today. We just                                                      there for them,” he said.
          created a better opportu-                                                          Story by Brandy Cruz,
          nity for them to come out,                                                      news editor, and Kelby
          have fun, mingle, just do                                                       Wingert, sports editor,
          something different, and                                                        Fort Hood Sentinel.
          this festival is definitely
          something different. They
          all came out here and had                                          Spc. Zach Flateblo, 1st Air Cavalry Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division,
          fun with all these different                                       plays sand volleyball at the BOSS Single Soldiers Fest at the Fort
          activities.”                                                       Hood Sportsmen’s Center Pavilion.
                                                                             Photo: Kelby Wingert, Fort Hood Sentinel Sports Editor
             Navarro  is  already

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