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Around the Campus

            Harvard Holds CIA-Led Asian                           MSU Earns Recognition for

                  Cuisines Boot Camp                                  Food Allergy Program

               hef Shirley Cheng, a professor of culinary arts at the   ichigan State University (MSU) in East Lansing is the
           CHyde Park, N.Y., campus of the Culinary Institute   Mrecipient of the 2017 Best Overall Food Allergy Program
          of America, visited Harvard University Dining Services   Award from AllerTrain.
          (HUDS) kitchens in Cambridge, Mass., from June 3 to 6,   “From changing
          2017 to run its team of head chefs through an intensive   ingredients to remove
          Asian cuisines training.                          potential allergens,
                                                            to implementing nut-
                                                            allergy-friendly dining
                                                            halls, to the extreme
                                                            personal care taken by
                                                            their campus dietitian,
                                                            it’s clear that MSU’s food
                                                            allergy program is one of
                                                            the most comprehensive
                                                            we’ve seen and deserving
                                                            of the 2017 Best Overall
                                                            Food Allergy Program for Universities Award,” said Betsy Craig,
                                                            chief executive officer of MenuTrinfo at the award ceremony
                                                            during this year’s NRA show in Chicago.
             Fourteen chefs received instruction in the hallmarks
          and techniques of the cuisines of China, Japan, Thailand,
          Korea and Vietnam. Each day’s training included a brief
          history of the regional cuisines, as well as hands-on cook-
          ing and execution of an extensive menu.
             “These are some of the most popular cuisines with
          our students,” said HUDS Managing Director David P.
          Davidson, “and many are the ‘home cooking’ for our
          diverse undergraduate community. It was important to
          improve the authenticity of our execution of these dishes.”
             Each day’s training included the preparation of ap-
          proximately 20 dishes, which were then presented by the
          chef who executed them, while all tasted. Beginning in
          the fall of 2017, those recipes will begin to appear on the
          HUDS undergraduate dining hall menu.
             “My appreciation and understanding of these cuisines
          has grown ten-fold,” noted Martin Breslin, director for   A leading food allergy and gluten-free training program, Al-
          culinary operations. “The techniques are simple but vital   lerTrain by MenuTrinfo honors one restaurant or university with
          to the authenticity of the flavors.”              the most comprehensive and effective food allergy program that
                                                            is at the forefront of serving diners with special dietary needs,
                                                            including food allergies, intolerance and celiac disease.
                                                              MSU has shown long-term dedication to ensuring those dining
                                                            on campus have safe choices and are well nourished when they
                                                            “Eat at State.” “Our team is committed to providing a safe dining
                                                            environment and diverse options for all university guests,” said
                                                            Guy Procopio, MSU Culinary Services (CS) director. “We strive
                                                            to set the industry standard for allergen safety, training and edu-
                                                            cation, and this recognition supports our goal to lead with food,
                                                            offering made-to-order items to suit every guest’s unique palette.”
                                                              Registered dietitian Gina Keilen, who joined the CS team in 2012,
                                                            works alongside chefs and dining managers to create a personalized
                                                            experience for students, faculty, staff, conference attendees and other
                                                            diners. “The prevalence of allergies on campus continues to climb
                                                            each semester, and while there was awareness of allergies before I
                                                            came to MSU, it wasn’t nearly at the forefront like it is today,” she
                                                            said. “Since then, staff has become more knowledgeable on what
                                                            allergies are and how to work with them; there is consistency among
                                                            the dining hall offerings; and there are healthful, nutrient-dense
                                                            options for people with an array of allergies.”  —Continued

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