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Around the Campus

             Over the past two years, to fur-                                    free of coconut, tree nuts and peanuts.
          ther their knowledge, more than 600                                       There are menu signs at every point
          full-time and student team members                                     of service that highlight what is be-
          from CS and Spartan Hospitality Group                                  ing served, along with which allergens
          (SHG) completed either the AllerTrain                                  are present in that item. The CS team
          Lite or AllerTrain U courses. Accredit-                                identifies the top eight allergens on resi-
          ed by the American National Standards                                  dential dining menus (milk, eggs, soy,
          Institute, the programs teach partici-                                 peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish and
          pants about food allergies, intolerances,                              wheat), along with coconut, sesame,
          and celiac disease; precautions to take                                alcohol, beef and pork. Additionally,
          in the front and back of the house to                                  SHG indicates gluten-friendly options
          prevent reactions; and how to recog-                                   available to their guests.
          nize symptoms of an allergic reaction and handle it properly.  Collaboration with the purchasing team at MSU Food
             Beyond thoroughly training staff, accommodations are   Stores has played a key role in creating sourcing standards
          made throughout campus to cater to the growing amount of   and eliminating allergens as well. Together with Keilen and
          students with food allergies or dietary restrictions. All nine   the CS chefs, they look to source products with cleaner la-
          dining halls feature a standalone station for allergy-conscious   bels and fewer allergens. Many ingredients have been revised
          needs. This includes gluten- and dairy-free items, along with   throughout the years to allow for more allergen-free menus.
          options to help supplement an allergy diner’s meal. Holmes   Chefs and Keilen are accessible to students, offering face-
          Dining Hall and Holden Dining Hall are nut-conscious, cre-  to-face meetings, sending individualized text messages and
          ating a space on both ends of campus where menu items are   citing that they’re an email or phone call away if assistance
                                                                    is needed, even going as far as making individualized
                                                                    menus, as needed. When equipped with the right infor-
             UM Dining Compost Van Gets New Look                    mation and resources, students with food allergies or
                                                                    other restrictions have a high level of comfort navigat-
                 ining’s compost van at the University of Montana (UM) in   ing the dining halls.
             DMissoula has a sharp new paint job courtesy of a student                                    —OCH
            graffiti artist who offered his services for free after seeing the
            plain gray van driving around campus.
               The artist, who                                                 SHOW SCHEDULE
            wishes to remain
            anonymous, said                                                         OCTOBER 15 – 18
            he first saw the van                                           FOOD & NUTRITION CONFERENCE & EXPO
            while touring cam-                                                   McCormick West Building
            pus last summer. He                                                   800-877-1600 ext. 482
            noticed the van’s                                           
            rough spray paint                                                 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
            job and told him-
            self that if he was accepted to UM he would offer to give the van       OCTOBER 17 – 20
            a facelift. The next time he saw the van on campus he was an             NACS SHOW
            enrolled student, and he approached the driver with his the offer.      McCormick Place
               “The student caught me and said he did street art and would like       Chicago, Ill.
            to redo our van,” said Anastasia Orkwiszewski, garden manager       703-684-3600/877-684-3600
            at UM Dining. “It was a volunteer project. We just provided him   Association for Convenience and Fuel Retailing (formerly
            with the paint and he and his buddies made it beautiful.”      National Association of Convenience Stores)
               Described as a former plain gray “dumpy-looking” van by
            Orkwiszewski, it resembles something out of a 1960s movie,              NOVEMBER 5 – 8
            “Scooby-Doo Mystery Machine”-esque with bright splashes of        NACAS 49th ANNUAL CONFERENCE
            color grounded with an earthy sublayer.                                 The Broadmoor
               “I just don’t like looking at something that is just gray,” the    Colorado Springs, Colo.
            artist said. “I like to look at things and get a story from them. I      434-245-8425
            felt like, looking at the old van, it already had a story. But I could
            tell one better.”                                            National Association of College Auxiliary Services
               The van shuttles compost and produce between the campus             NOVEMBER 12 – 14
            gardens and other campus venues. The gardens produce around
            6,700 pounds of produce at a market value of $13,200, growing       HX THE HOTEL EXPERIENCE
            approximately 70 different crops. Produce grown in the gardens is   (FORMERLY THE INT’L HOTEL/MOTEL RESTAURANT SHOW)
            served at UM Dining venues.                                        Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
                                                                                     New York, N.Y.
               “I wanted to give a better view of what graffiti art is,” the         212-754-7920
            artist said. “The aerosol medium I feel like is commonly looked
            down upon, and it doesn’t have to be that way if it’s done right.”  American Hotel & Lodging Association/Hotel Association of
               “It looks way cooler,” Orkwiszewski said. “It’s very stylish and   NYC/NY State Hospitality & Tourism Association/Hospitality
            will give us a lot of good attention. I’m very grateful.”               Media Group LLC

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