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for the Drill Instructors’ Course, Enlisted Professional Military   of developing healthy eating, menu development, marketing
            Education (EPME) curriculum, Force Fitness Instructors/Trainers   food service and designing a new mess hall. These Marines had
            and the Officer Candidate School cadre orientation.  the opportunity to see the latest and greatest concepts in the
                                                                industry today, and see how those concepts could change the
              Government Food Service: What are plans for the Marine   way military is providing food service support to the custom-
              Corps Major General W.P.T. Hill awards in 2018? When are   ers. The Marines were able to ask food service industry leaders
              evaluations done and when are winners going to be announced?  specific questions and receive detailed answers; many people
                                                                only dream of having the opportunity to do this. It is very
               Spinelli: The evaluations will occur within the February-  important for the services to keep a strong connection with
            March timeframe and winners will be announced shortly after.   industry partners; this way we stay on top of technology, which
            We are grateful to the military foundation of the National   allows us to leverage opportunities when and where possible.
            Restaurant Association and its industry partners. Without their   The joint military awards presentation and training program
            direct support, the program would suffer. We also greatly ap-  is an annual event, so there is an opportunity for Marines to
            preciate the training they provide to our military members.  attend the training in 2018.

              Government Food Service: Is there anything you can tell   Government Food Service: Has Marine Corps Food Service been
              us about response to last year’s joint awards presentation at   influenced by or implemented any of the dining facility design
              NRA, including the training program? Are any other training   ideas presented during the three-day NRA training program in
              opportunities planned for 2018?                     its food service operations?

               Spinelli: Marines who participated in the National Restau-  Spinelli: The training provided went to some of the best
            rant Association Educational Foundation (NRAEF) joint military   and brightest up-and-coming food service Marines. I have no
            awards presentation were awestruck at the outpouring of support   doubt that some of these Marines will become senior staff
            and enthusiasm at the event. While recognizing hard-working   noncommissioned officers and commissioned limited-duty
            Marines that have excelled in food service is important, the true   officers that will put the training into good use for the benefit
            reward is the fact that each of those Marines had the opportunity   of the future of Marine Corps Food Service programs.
            to attend a three-day training program that included concepts                                   —GFS
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                                                                      GOVERNMENT FOOD SERVICE • MARCH 2018 23
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