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P. 24


                                                                              The Performance Readiness Bar was designed based
                                                                              upon evidence researchers from the U.S. Army Research
                                                                              Institute of Environmental Medicine collected from
                                                                              warfighters during initial entry training, indicating that
                                                                              a calcium and vitamin D-fortified snack item may op-
                                                                              timize nutritional status while reducing injury. After
                                                                              collaborating with the Combat Feeding Directorate, the
                                                                              Performance Readiness Bar will be fully implemented at
                                                                                all four Army basic training locations in 2018.
                                                                                   (Photo Credit: Adam Wyatt, TATRC)
           Dr. Erin Gaffney-Stomberg, center, a researcher
           from the U.S. Army Research Institute of Envi-
           ronmental Medicine, or USARIEM, discusses
           the collaborative effort between USARIEM and
           the Department of Defense Combat Feeding
           Directorate to develop a calcium and vitamin
           D-fortified snack bar that could reduce the
             Stress Fractures
           amount of stress fractures during initial mili-
           tary training. (Photo by Adam Wyatt, TATRC)

                                                                           Fortified Snack Bar Builds Bone
                                                                           Strength for High Physical Activity

                 he U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental   calcium and vitamin D intake during Initial Military Training
                 Medicine (USARIEM) is rolling out a snack bar at   in order to optimize the bones’ anabolic response to training,
           Tthe four Army basic training locations that it de-  as stronger bones are more resistant to stress fractures,” said
          veloped to optimize bone health and reduce stress fractures   Gaffney-Stomberg, a research physiologist from USARIEM’s
          in basic trainees.                                  Military Performance Division. “Our findings indicate that
             Use of the Performance Readiness Bar will be fully imple-  calcium and vitamin D requirements during IMT are higher
          mented at all four Army basic training locations in 2018   than other times in order to support bone health.”
          after being introduced at Fort Benning, Ga., in the sum-  Performing high physical activity while these nutri-
          mer of 2017. The Air Force currently gives basic trainees a   ent levels are low starts to cause stress-fracture problems.
          commercial protein bar after dinner and before lights out.  “Ninety-nine percent of the body’s calcium is stored in the
             “Because the U.S. population at large is generally less   skeleton, and vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and
          fit, many of the new Army recruits are not physically and   strengthen bones,” Gaffney-Stomberg added.
          physiologically ready to endure the rigors of Army IMT   “When you do not get enough calcium in your diet,
          [Initial Military Training],” said Dr. Stephen Muza, deputy   your body will mine calcium out of your bones to support
          director of Science and Technology at USARIEM. “Conse-  vital functions like muscle contraction and nerve conduc-
          quently, many well-educated and motivated recruits suffer   tion, at the expense of your skeleton,” Gaffney-Stomberg
          skeletal injuries that can lead to their medical disqualification   said. “Over time, this will weaken bone, making it more
          from military duty. The Performance Readiness Bar is one   susceptible to fracture.”
          elegant solution to this problem that will reduce attrition   Another motivation for research to develop a solu-
          and personnel costs associated with IMT. This will lead to   tion that builds bone strength was the alarmingly high
          increased Army readiness.”                          percentage of recruits experiencing stress fractures, par-
             The Performance Readiness Bar is a calcium and vitamin   ticularly among females. “Stress fractures occur after un-
          D-fortified snack bar that USARIEM developed because re-  accustomed activities or overuse, such as carrying heavy
          cruits often arrive to basic training with poor calcium and   loads — common during basic training,” said Dr. James
          vitamin D status, making their bones more vulnerable to   McClung, deputy chief of USARIEM’s Military Nutrition
          stress fractures and other injuries.                Division. “Up to 20 percent of female recruits and 5 percent
             “USARIEM has been researching the requirements for   of male recruits suffer from stress fractures during IMT.
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