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                                                                   FOOD FOCUS: PIZZA

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            Smarter Foods for Better                                                   Pizza Recipes

            Performance and Health                                                    Not Just Topped
                                                                                        with Red for

                ilitary dining facilities not only educate service mem-  tend to identify parts,   Eat Rarely
            M bers to choose performance-enhancing foods and    meaning ingredient
            beverages, but use recipes that support those nutrition   and/or quantity that
            goals, as well.                                     might render a prod-
              As existing recipes are revised to keep familiar dishes   uct undesirable.”
            tasting fresh and new ones introduced to add menu variety,   According to Staples, vegetarian pizza is a choice that
            the momentum is to create a greater variety of options   many Army dining facilities now feature as a healthy op-
            that are appetizing and more healthful.             tion, as well as to be competitive with menu items that are
              More healthful variations of the traditional pizza recipe,   served at local restaurants popular with service members.
            for example, give service members more varieties of this   Many Army dining facilities have also added new pizza
            popular favorite and options that earn a different Go for   varieties with Hawaiian, chicken Caesar salad and Buffalo
            Green color label than the old favorite’s red for “eat rarely,”  chicken joining the menu along with the traditional fa-
              “Actions to have pizza conform to nutrition goals in-  vorite, cheese, and its sausage and/or peperoni toppings.
            clude increased use of whole grains, reduction of fats and   “The Army diner is a diverse group, young and older,
            sodium to name a few,” said David Staples, director of   from all parts of the country, and they don’t want the
            operations, Joint Culinary Center of Excellence. “Favorite   same old stuff each time,” Staples said. “So while they
            foods come in smarter variations. We are exploring and   do expect to see pepperoni, mixing it up and providing
            moving toward the ones that promote/protect performance   variety at the meal and across the month is important.”
            and health.”
              Smarter variations of recipes aim to                             BEING COMPETITIVE
            maintain flavor and diner satisfaction   PHOTO CAPTIONS AND CREDITS   Dining facilities need to be aware of
            rather than simply eliminate calories,   (top-left): Sgt. Kenneth E. Schimmels,   service members’ meal preferences to be
            salt and other ingredients that are con- 1 a cook with the 1st Battalion, 161st   competitive with nearby restaurants off
            sidered less healthy. Changing one or   Infantry Regiment, cooked pizzas donated by   the base and to achieve high customer
            any number of ingredients used to make   Uno’s Chicago Grill for service members at the   satisfaction as well. “As established com-
                                                dining facility at Joint Base Balad, Iraq. (Photo
            a menu item can strongly influence how   by Sgt. Crystal G. Reidy, USA.)  mercial retailers succeed in innovative
            it is classified under the Go for Green                            options, and the fan-base is evident, there
                                                   (top-right): Darko Lazarevski, a food
            color code system.                  2 service specialist working on Bagram   is examination of the opportunity to
              “The total amount of fat and the type   Air Field, checks and rotates pizzas for service   offer similar options within the dining
            of fat contained in an item drives the pre-  members located at that location in Afghani-  facilities,” he said. “It is not a free-for-all,
            ponderance of the classification,” Staples   stan. The pizzas were provided by Pizzas 4   so budgets, labor, ingredient sourcing,
                                                Patriots. (Photo by Sgt. Adam Hinman, USA, 1st
            said. “However, to be Green, there should   Armored Division Resolute Support Sustain-  nutrition and acceptability are consid-
            be a positive impact, not just an absence   ment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command   erations that must be integrated before
            of bad. Go for Green lends itself to a   (Expeditonary)            the next good idea becomes a standard
            total product not part. Other standards                            menu selection.”
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