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             Soldiers and all service members spend                          lines. “As with almost all food items,
                                                 (top-left): Spc. David Schmauzer, a
          time outside the gate and on assignment   3 munitions abatement specialist with the   there is a cycle to what is ‘hot’ on the
          to other military bases, which introduces   802nd Ordnance Company, 401st Army Field   vendor show list. Pizza gets some at-
          them to new cuisines. “Absolutely – and   Support Battalion-Afghanistan, 1st Armored   tention throughout the year, but most
          it is fun to explore them if you are travel-  Division Resolute Support Sustainment Bri-  recent assessments have been focused on
                                              gade, 13th Sustainment Command (Expedi-
          ing,” Staples said. “As the Army diner has   tionary) receives a slice of pizza on Bagram Air   improving the crust, nutrition, cheese
          traveled, has ethnicity, and has a highly   Field, Afghanistan. The pizzas were provided   variations and the holding quality and
          diverse exposed to world taste. The old   by Pizzas 4 Patriots. (Photo by Sgt. Adam   acceptability of the product.”
                                              Hinman, USA, 1st Armored Division Resolute
          favorite of pepperoni still leads the way,   Support Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment   The military prefers that the pizza
          with Mediterranean toppings as the new   Command (Expeditionary)   served to service members be fresh-made
          rising trend according to the industry.”  (top-right): Pfc. Zachariah Robertson, an   from scratch, but frozen is commonly
             At each base, food service program  4 information technology specialist with   used as well. “Frozen and fresh and quick-
          managers and dining facility directors   the 580th Signal Company, 25th Signal Bat-  prep options are found in the various
          make decisions about menu additions   talion, 160th Signal Brigade, receives a slice   locations,” he said. “All options are avail-
                                              of pizza on Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan.
          and revisions based on responses col-  The pizzas were provided by Pizzas 4 Patriots.   able as applicable to local operations;
          lected from service members during menu   (Photo by Sgt. Adam Hinman, USA) 1st Armored   however, we do support that fresh is best.
          boards. The entire process for creating   Division Resolute Support Sustainment Brigade,   Because DFACs serve it as a menu item
                                              13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary).
          the daily menu involves more thorough                              instead of to order, the application of
          decision-making that balances service                              labor is a consideration to fresh versus
          member preferences with the military’s                             pre-prepared.”
          standard menu.                                         Where and how frequently pizza is featured in din-
             “Type is a menu board process while standards for menu   ing facilities is another example of its popularity and the
          is a policy position,” Staples explained. “Menu boards,   many varieties available. For now, he said, it is mostly a
          cuttings and the level of installation oversight on creative   short-order item, but is also occasionally a serving line
          dining facility menu ventures all influence what is offered   option, too. Decisions about the Army menu in the future
          where. As there is greater movement to quality-controlled   may have more to say about how pizza will be available.
          dining experiences, there tends to be more centrally ar-  As long as pizza and its many varieties are available
          bitrated selections.”                               in military dining facilities, service members need to fol-
                                                              low the traffic light color code nutrition guidelines. “For
          VARIATIONS                                          Army permanent-party dining facilities, pizza-equivalents
             Pizza has grown from its origins in Italy and ranks as a   (pizza pie with deep dish, regular, thin or flatbread crusts,
          popular mainstream American meal option. Its popular-  Stromboli, calzone, to name a few) may be found on either
          ity has led to some innovation from the original recipe,   of the locations depending on the facility,” Staples said.
          including barbecue, Buffalo chicken and others. “Pizza   “With variations on toppings, it may be part of the daily
          is primarily a fun food, and even the improved versions   menu or it may be highlighted as a weekly option. It is
          should simply be an occasional selection,” Staples said,   a common option in one form or the other, so informed
          referring to the military’s Go for Green nutritional guide-  diners must make appropriate choices across the week.”

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