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            --Continued from page 7, Military Child  when we get home, their face paint will   his sons was important to him, because
            FORT CAMPBELL                      still be there and it’s still fun for them,”   he wants them to know how much he
               Fort Campbell MWR hosted a big   she said. “They also enjoy the giveaways   loves them, even though he cannot be
            event at Fryar Stadium on Saturday, April   … the candy and toys and everything.”  around all of the time.
            28. Event-goers were welcomed on the   She said she herself appreciated agen-  “I don’t want my children to feel left
            field by dozens of games, such as bean   cies such as Child and Youth Services   out. My kids are going to move around
            bag toss, corn hole and Connect 4. Each   and Army Community Services attending   a lot, but it’s important for them to un-
            game-winner earned a prize, including   the event. Events like these offer op-  derstand they are never alone. There’s
            Legos and teddy bears donated by Op-  portunities to connect with other local   always going to be someone there for
            eration Homefront.                 military families.                them, no matter what,” Edwards said.
               “At the event we were celebrating the   “It is great to meet other Army spous-  “And that’s why we are celebrating them
            military child,” said Fort Campbell MWR   es who do the same thing you do on a   today especially.”
            Marketing Director Melissa Schaffner,   daily basis. It’s so easy to meet those   About 2 million military children
            “so it was great to be able to send them   women and their families at events like   have experienced a parental deployment
            home with toys.”                   this,” she said. “There also is a lot of   since Sept. 11, 2001, according to the
               Five inflatable bounce houses lined   valuable information that is handed out   Pentagon. The impact of deployment on
            the track at the stadium. Children took   at events like this. There are all kinds of   children was reported as the No. 5 top
            turns playing rounds of laser tag and   things that happen on post, especially   issue determined by the 2018 Blue Star
            rolling around in bumper balls.    for children.”                    Families Survey.
               Army wife Stephanie Raines said   Raines said military children face   Schaffner said MWR was pleased
            the event is a special treat for her chil-  challenges that civilians may not un-  with the outcome of the event and grate-
            dren, boys 4 and 3, and an 8-month-old   derstand. “These kids sacrifice so much   ful to the families for coming out to
            daughter.                          … time with their dad, time with their   enjoy the festivities.
                “We did this last year.  … the kids   family. … Events like this are a little   “Every time we do a great event and
            always have so much fun. We love to   reward for everything they go through.   the stars align and we get a great turn
            come here and enjoy the inflatables and   They’ve earned it, and we just want to   out, we always start thinking ‘What are
            everything. We love being outdoors and   thank them for their service.”  we going to do next time?’ because we
            just having fun together as a family.   Specialist Anthony Edwards, B Com-  always want to be raising the bar to try
            There’s something for all of the kids to   pany, 526th Brigade Support Battalion,   to meet and exceed the standards we set
            enjoy,” Raines said.               2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Air-  each time,” she said.
               She and her family came early, joining   borne Division, made it a special father-  Photos and report from Chièvres AB by Christophe
            the face-painting line as soon as pos-  son day with his two boys, aged 5 and 8.   Morel, USAG Benelux Public Affairs.
            sible, because it is something her sons   They began their day at the event with   Photos and report from Fort Campbell by Mari-
            love. “They enjoy the face painting a   a laser tag battle.              Alice Jasper, Fort Campbell Courier.
            lot because that is a lasting thing. Even   Edwards said spending the day with   Report from JB Pearl Harbor-Hickam by Reid
                                                                                 Tokeshi, JBPHH MWR; Photos by Fleet and Family
                                                                                          Readiness Marketing.

                                   FORT CAMPBELL

                                           Specialist Matthew Infante, 3rd Battalion, 320th
                                           Field Artillery Regiment, 101st Airborne Divi-
                                           sion Artillery Brigade, 101st Airborne Division,
                                           watches as his daughter, Penelope, 3, throws
                                           a bean bag sack during a game of corn hole
                                           at the Fort Campbell Morale, Welfare and
                                           Recreation Month of the Military Child event.
                                           Children played corn hole, board games and
                                           other carnival games to earn prizes during
                                                       the event.

                                                                                      Jessica Belangia, Army spouse,
                                                                                      pushes her son, Matticus Guzman,
                                                                                      5, while he is in a bumper ball to
                                                                                      help him gain momentum and roll
               David Reed Jr., 2, smiles as he shoots                                 around Saturday during the Fort
               down an inflatable slide at the Fort                                   Campbell Morale, Welfare and Rec-
               Campbell Morale, Welfare and Rec-                                      reation Month of the Military Child
               reation Month of the Military Child                                    event. Belangia said Matticus and
               event at Fryar Stadium. Children had                                   his brother, Matthew Guzman, 8,
               several different bounce houses to                                     enjoyed the bumper balls the most.
               play in during the event. (U.S. Army
                  photos by Mari-Alice Jasper)

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