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Compliments to the Chef

               aul Sprunger

             aul Sprunger, executive chef at the University of Wisconsin   Coming into the position,
          P- Madison, can easily remember his first day working in   he had an idea of what uni-
          food service. “I decided that food service would be the career   versity dining was like, and
          for me the day President Ronald Reagan was shot,” he said.   that expectation has matched
          “I had a paper route, and the day that he was shot, I started   his experiences. “Not that I
          my first dishwashing job at one of the restaurants that was on   underestimated the student,
          my paper route. It was a small bar/restaurant in upstate New   but I think students have be-
          York. I heard the owner say that his dishwasher had called in   come much more refined
          sick, so I talked my way into him letting me work that night   in their tastes in some re-
          and it turned into a permanent thing. I was 15 years old.”   spects,” he said. “I think this
             From that day forward, he was hooked. “Once I got in there   has a lot to do with cooking
          and saw how exciting a restaurant could be on a Saturday   shows and channels. They
          night, I decided that was probably what I wanted to do for   are exposed to a lot more at
          the rest of my life,” he said.                      a younger age.”
             After high school, he attended culinary school at Johnson   While the most popular items on the menu aren’t the
          and Wales University, where he received his associate’s degree   healthiest for them, the students do enjoy trying new things
          in occupational science and culinary arts, and a bachelor’s   and experiencing cuisines from around the globe. “We have an
          degree in foodservice management.                   obligation to our students to expose them to some things that
             Eventually, Sprunger’s career path led to becoming the   possibly they haven’t seen before,” said Sprunger. “We have a
          corporate chef for a local restaurant group for 10 years, before   large international contingent here, so I think it is important
          joining the university. “I spent a good number of years in the   that we don’t forget that they are part of our collective customer
          private sector; a lot of those years were on the higher-end   base. For example, last summer, I focused on breakfast items
          dining,” said Sprunger. “I always said that I spent the first   that were not typical to American breakfast, items that were
          half of my career cooking for those who wanted to be fed,   more typical of Southeast Asia. We added things like congee
          and I would like to spend the rest of my career cooking for   bowls and some more whole grains, more savory items at
          those who need to be fed. I put the students in that realm.   breakfast, as opposed to typical American fare. It is comfort
          Our students are family to us and we are responsible for them.   to the people from those areas, and it exposes Americans to
          We make sure that they are getting good, clean ingredients as   different types of cultures from around the world. They seem
          much as possible and a good, well-balanced diet.”   to  like  it.”                              —OCH

            Vegan Island Stew with Quinoa Fritter Cakes

            STEW                             Add ginger, vegetable broth, sweet potatoes,
            Ingredients:                     salt and pepper and bring to a simmer. Sim-
            1 pound, 2 ounces white onion, diced   mer for about 3 minutes. Add peppers and
            1 tablespoon, 1.5 teaspoons canola oil   tomato and continue to simmer for about 3
            14 ounces green cabbage, diced   minutes. Add zucchini, okra, lime juice and
            .875 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper   black beans. Stir well and simmer for about
            .25 cup ginger, fresh minced     20 minutes until vegetables and sweet
            1.5 cups vegetable broth         potato are tender.
            2.75 teaspoons kosher salt
            1.75 pounds fresh sweet potato, peeled and   QUINOA FRITTER CAKES
              diced 3/8 inch                 Ingredients:
            .75 teaspoon ground black pepper   1.4 pounds quinoa              about 20 minutes or until liquid is absorbed
            9 ounces green bell pepper, diced ¾ inch   1.5 quarts vegetable broth   and quinoa is tender to the bite. Set aside to
            9 ounces red bell pepper, diced ¾ inch   1.875 pounds smooth applesauce  cool. When cooled, add applesauce, oil and
            14 ounces canned fire-roasted tomatoes  7 ounce canola oil        green onion to quinoa mixture. Stir together
            9 ounces zucchini, diced, 1 inch   .25 cup parsley fresh, chopped   dry ingredients and along with the parsley,
            9 ounces fresh okra, sliced ¼ inch  3.75 ounces green onions, sliced   stir into quinoa mixture. Refrigerate until
            5.75 ounces black beans, canned, rinsed and   1.3 pounds all-purpose flour   ready to sauté. Heat sauté pan or griddle to
              drained                        1 tablespoon, 2.75 teaspoons baking powder   medium high heat. Add oil to pan; enough to
            2 ounces fresh lime juice        1 teaspoon kosher salt           coat bottom. Using a #30 scoop, add quinoa
            3 tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped   2 ounces vegetable oil (more if needed, to   cakes to hot sauté pan and sauté until golden
                                               sauté cakes in batches)        brown. Carefully flip and cook other side until
            Preparation:                                                      golden brown.
            Heat oil in heavy bottom pan over medium   Preparation:
            heat. Add onion and saut. for 3 – 4 minutes   Toast quinoa in 350-degree Fahrenheit oven   Serve 6 ounces of stew with 2 quinoa cakes.
            until soft. Add cabbage and cayenne pepper   until golden (about 7 minutes). Rinse and
            and continue to sauté for about 5 minutes.   drain. Simmer quinoa in vegetable broth for   Yield: 20 servings

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