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                      Breakfast                                                                     Bibimbap Burrito

                   ith students eating on campus every day, it is im-  open faced. When a student comes in, we have the avocado
            Wportant for foodservice operations to keep things   that we basically smash up with a little salt and pepper and
            fresh and exciting.                                 lemon juice. We put it right on the toast after it comes out
              One of the hardest meals to bring that freshness and ex-  of the toaster and we will top it with slices of applewood-
            citement to is breakfast, where the standard items have to be   smoked bacon or we will put an over-medium egg on top
            there. At the University of Connecticut (UConn) in Storrs,   or tomato. Everything we do with avocado seems to be a
            Dining Services has found a way to do just that.    big hit, so we thought it would be a great breakfast item
              “When we go through and change our menus — and we   because avocados have good saturated fat. It has done very
            try to change our menus about 30 percent every semester —   well for us.”
            and breakfast is always the hardest,” said Rob Landolphi,   Landolphi also came up with a new take on the breakfast
            assistant director of culinary operations. “You always look at   burrito for the school’s food truck: a take on the Korean dish
            those signature, staple                                                            bibimbap. Traditional
            items: There are good                                                              bibimbap is served as
            old pancakes, French      Chocolate Pound Cake French Toast   Vanilla Pound Cake French Toast   a bowl of warm white
            toast, eggs, bacon, sau-                                                           rice topped with sau-
            sage. It is one of those                                                           téed and seasoned veg-
            meals that doesn’t                                                                 etables and gochujang
            change so often. What                                                              (a chili pepper paste),
            we try to do is offer                                                              soy sauce or doenjang
            more variety around                                                                (a fermented soybean
            breakfast, because it                                                              paste). A raw or fried
            adds a little excite-                                                              egg and sliced meat are
            ment to the morning                                                                often added.
            is the best way to put                                Avocado Toast                  “In retail, we always
            it. Most kids when they come in will go                            did the bibimbap for lunch and dinner,” he
            to the cereal and the bacon and eggs, but                          said. “One day, I was looking at it — you
            when we do something special, they get                             have this steak that is thinly sliced and
            excited.”                                                          marinated in pineapple juice, soy sauce,
              One popular breakfast promotion they                             garlic, ginger, brown sugar and honey.
            have done is a twist on French toast using                         Basically, if I took that whole bowl, with
            pound cake and other breakfast breads.                             the rice and the eggs and everything else
            “Students love French toast, but they love                         that was in it, if I rolled that up, that would
            pound cake French toast,” he said. “Our                            make a great burrito for breakfast. I went
            bakery makes lemon-poppy bread, banana                             to the test kitchen and checked it out and
            bread, chocolate pound cake and vanilla pound cake.”  it was absolutely delicious with a nice squirt of gochujang
              Dining set up a bar with the French toast choices and a   sauce. We put that on our food truck as one of our breakfast
            variety of toppings, including fresh peaches, strawberries,   items. That went very well.”
            blueberries, whipped cream and different syrups. “That was   The students have really taken to the special breakfast of-
            a big hit, especially for that student who is looking for some-  ferings. “It is just something different,” said Landolphi. “That
            thing sweet in the morning,” said Landolphi. “It was rich; one   is what it is all about. They are always looking for something
            slice was plenty. We would do a thick cut of pound cake. It   different, even in the morning. An example is that we always
            had some great color to it. It was different. It was a big hit.”   have oatmeal, but when we started doing quinoa breakfast
              Students also love when avocado toast is on the menu.   cereals with different toppings, or millet breakfast cereals,
            “We heard about it, and I went down to the bakery and I   and started changing up the grains from oatmeal, we had
            wanted them to create a whole-grain bread that was thick   students who normally wouldn’t touch oatmeal saying that it
            cut, something good and grainy and healthy,” he said. “They   was kind of neat and trying the new stuff. It changes things
            came up with a bread. We wanted to keep it simple, so it is   up and inspires them to try something new.”    —OCH

            ON-CAMPUS HOSPITALITY                                                                    APRIL 2017  |   13
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