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Special Dietary Needs

                  UAlbany Relocates and

             Upgrades Kosher Kitchen

           Photos courtesy: architecture+/Gary Gold                           ent areas on campus in resident dining, and
                                                                              having the ability to cook, i.e. having a hood,
                                                                              was imperative, as was having a space where
                                                                              it could be self contained. Those were two
                                                                              big pieces of it: the hood and also being its
                                                                              own space so the rabbi was comfortable. The
                                                                              rabbi was included in the design, and also
                                                                              visited during the construction. We drove
                                                                              the process and did the layout of the kitchen,
                                                                              but we made sure that he was included in
                                                                              that conversation.”
                                                                                 Unlike the previous iteration in Dutch
                                                                              Quad, only students who are on the new
                                                                              kosher meal plan can enjoy food from the
                                                                              new Kosher Kitchen. “Previously, any stu-
                                                                              dent could go through that line,” he said. “It
                                                                              was just a hot line adjacent to the regular
                                                                              serving area in the old facility. So with us
                                                                              moving into the other quad, we had a concern
                                                                              because the area it is in now is in between
                                                                              two areas where we serve food. My concern
                                                                               was that if we do the same thing that we
                                                                                  did in the old space, they could be so
                he University at Albany in New                                      inundated with students who aren’t
                York recently unveiled a new                                         keeping kosher that the food might
            T Kosher Kitchen on campus                                                run out, or it would be almost im-
            that is a vast improvement on                                              possible for the students who do
            what was available previously.                                             need to keep kosher to be able to
              Stephen Pearse, executive                                                use that facility. We created an
            director of University Auxiliary                                           actual meal plan for the kosher
            Services at Albany, said that there                                        kitchen. It seems to be working
            were two reasons for the move                                              quite well.”
            and upgrade. “The operation as                                              Approximately 60 students are
            it existed in the old area was very                                      on the kosher meal plan. Students
            antiquated. It just didn’t present well.                               who are not kosher who wish to eat
            It was a traditional steam-table line and                            food from the station are welcome to
            it looked like something from the 60s or                           try it for an upcharge. “If a student sees a
            70s. It was just not up to the standards of the                particular meal that they would like to have, even
            rest of our dining on campus.”                          though they are not on the kosher meal plan, they can pay
              The second reason, which made it more pressing, is that   a small amount more on their plan or for that particular meal,
            its previous location, Dutch Quad, is being closed this sum-  and that allows them to get that kosher meal,” said Pearse.
            mer. “In an effort to begin the process of phasing out that   The style of service has also changed from the previous
            facility, I thought it would make sense to move that portion   location. “In the old system, it was a buffet line,” he said. “Food
            of the facility over to the resident dining complex where it   was made, it was prepped in the kosher kitchen and it was put
            was eventually going to end up anyway,” he said. “It set the   out on the serving line, hot or cold, and there was someone
            tone for the patrons in that area.”                 there to serve it. In the new system, everything is made to
              The Kosher Kitchen is now located in Indian Quad, in an   order. There is a daily menu and you choose which items you
            area that was a small bakery facility in a dining area. “It had   would like to have. There is no limit. You place your order and
            a hood, which was key,” said Pearse. “We looked at the differ-  they actually make the food for you, which is also appealing

            ON-CAMPUS HOSPITALITY                                                                    APRIL 2017  |   17
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