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items and soups were moved to gluten-free choices.
            “It just kind of happened,” she said. “We looked at the
            menu and instead of bulgur-stuffed eggplant, we did
            quinoa-stuffed eggplant; just little changes. It kind of
            naturally happened. Students were asking where the
            gluten-free items were, so on the line, if they could
            make it gluten-free, they did.”
               It also helped that Dining was already sourcing
            gluten-free ingredients for facilities across campus. “Our
            soup bases were gluten-free already,” said Lefebvre.
            “It made for the progression of this to be very simple
            and not something that was not a lot of extra effort.”
               What also helped in the progression was that Risley
            started as the flagship dining unit for the Eating Well
            with Cornell Dining program. “Naturally, we had moved
            over to whole-grain pastas; we removed the fryer years
            ago,” she said. “It was a very plant-forward menu.
            The people who ate there tended to be a little more
            health-conscious as well. Again, this progres-
            sion happened naturally based on customer
            needs and what we were doing anyway.”
               In the spring of 2016, Lefebvre
            was looking at fall menus for Risley                                     flat top was thoroughly cleaned and
            with Chef Kevin Grant, when she                                           sanitized, and the chef put together
            suggested the testing of replace-                                          a bunch of different menu ideas
            ment items for the pizza/pasta                                             as alternatives. The flat top was a
            station, one of the last non-glu-                                          very popular menu option. There
            ten-free stations in the facility.                                         were burgers, grilled cheese, om-
            “He came up with a bunch of                                                elets. He came up with a bunch
            ideas for replacing,” said Lefeb-                                          of ideas. He does something like
            vre. “He added a nacho bar, huevos                                        smashburgers, but he puts them on
            rancheros, baked potatoes, stuffed                                       a bed of arugula or spinach.”
            polenta French toast, roasted cauli-                                      A number of the alumni Lefebvre
            flower, polenta pizza. It was a matter of                            worked with also suggested that with
            testing to see what happens if we eliminated                      all of the changes, the facility should be
            the pizza. There was a little push back, but they              certified as gluten-free. “They thought that was
            really enjoyed all of the other options because it was so   a really good way for our students to trust that it was
            flavor-forward, they weren’t really missing it. That was a bit   gluten-free.”
            of a flavor profile switch. We shifted the flavor so that there   Kitchens with Confidence, an allergen and gluten-free
            were new dishes that didn’t necessarily feature gluten.”  auditing and accreditation firm, completed the audit. The fa-
               With that change, Grant decided to move forward with   cility is also certified as free from peanuts and tree nuts. The
            making the entire facility gluten-free. “We had alumni support   school worked with MenuTrinfo to conduct all of its allergy
            through gifts to help purchase a new oven,” she said. “The   training for the staff.
                                                                     Even though the facility was gluten-free during the fall
                                                                   semester, it wasn’t announced to guests. “Some on staff
                                                                   wanted to announce it,” she said. “I said we should wait. I
                                                                   wanted to wait until the beginning of the spring semester
                                                                   and when we were certified. All fall we were gluten-free.
                                                                   We had our grand opening and announcement in the first
                                                                   week of February. Before the announcement, we ran a
                                                                   survey to see if students knew if in fact it was gluten-free,
                                                                   and 47 percent who were polled did not know that it was.
                                                                   That speaks to the quality of food.”
                                                                     While preliminary surveys are still being calculated, the
                                                                   reaction of students has been positive. “We did a calcula-
                                                                   tion, and year over year, we have only lost 1.1 customers
                                                                   per day,” said Lefebvre. “We really managed to maintain
                                                                   all of our customers. I think our customer base has changed
                                                                   a little bit. We are seeing a lot more of our staff, and we
                                                                   are getting a lot more students coming because they have
                                                                   a need. We have not lost a customer base.”

            ON-CAMPUS HOSPITALITY                                                                    APRIL 2017  |   19
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