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Special Dietary Needs

          to the students because it is                                                   combi-ovens and a heated
          much more personalized and                                                      holding cabinet from Alto-
          it is made to order.”                                                           Shaam. We purchased a
             He continued, “It is                                                         six-burner range with oven
          more of a pick-up counter,                                                      from Garland. It is a fully
          or a retail concept. I think                                                    functional small kitchen.”
          it is very attractive, but it is                                                   Sodexo, the school’s
          not the hot line or the cold                                                    foodservice provider, works
          line. None of that is on the                                                    with the rabbi and the local
          counter. It is a solid surface                                                  Vaad, a Jewish organization,
          counter, when you walk up                                                       to make sure that the food
          — your interaction is with                                                      meets kosher standards.
          the person at the window                                                        The Vaad sees, approves
          when you order — and as                                                         and drives the menus.
          you are standing there, you                                                        In addition to the food
          actually see the person who                                                     offerings, the station has
          is doing the prep in that                                                       an area for students to post
          space. It is a very different                                                   notes and announcements
          experience than what we had before. It is not like you are   to one another. “One design element we did incorporate into
          walking up to a serving line and then you are picking what   the Kosher Kitchen was an opportunity right at the location
          you want; you are looking at the menu, asking for it and then   for kosher students to communicate with each other or com-
          they are making it for you.”                        municate events in one location,” said Michelle Bowen, senior
             New equipment is also part of the station. “We had to in-  director of marketing and communications. “There is a tack
          crease the amount of refrigeration,” said Pearse. “We put in a   board that is nicely designed into the space. Students utilize
          really nice prep area that was almost like you would have for   that to post events going on. It is a nice feature to add.”
          cold prep, and a counter that is adjacent to that. We purchased

                  A     Natural                        Progression

                               To Gluten-Free

              ver a period of about two years, Risley Dining
              Room on the campus of Cornell University
          O in Ithaca, N.Y., became gluten-free — and
          most of the guests didn’t know.
             The intention wasn’t to have the facility become
          entirely gluten-free when the first station made the
             “We just turned over a stir-fry station,” said
          Michele Lefebvre, RD, CDN, director of nutrition
          management with Cornell Dining. “That was because
          people were asking for gluten-free soy sauce. The
          chef at the time thought to make things easier and
          only use gluten-free soy sauce, and he removed the
          lo mein noodles and only used rice noodles. There
          were no complaints. No one had to ask any more.
          That was a simple fix that we made without a lot
          of hoopla. We didn’t highlight it as a gluten-free
          station; it just happened to be.”
             From there, over the next year, more hot menu

          18   |  APRIL 2017                                                               ON-CAMPUS HOSPITALITY
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