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Commodity Boards

          the boards and changing menu trends merit revisiting com-  you to everyone who makes it happen, and special thanks
          modities presented previously. The 2018 Mushroom Spotlight   to the man who was cooking the amazing mushrooms and
          mirrored and updated a HUDS chef’s station presentation of   ravioli for (a) providing some great food and (b) making me
          several years ago.                                  feel a little better about my midterm. You guys are awesome
             And the range of commodities promoted by marketing   — thank you so much for all you do!”
          boards is broad. Martin mentioned successful events with the   According to Martin, no further commodity board events
          Grape Council and the National Pork Board in past seasons.  are scheduled for the remainder of the Harvard school year.
                                                                 She noted, however, that HUDS also arranges many other
          STUDENT REACTION                                    popup events over the course of the year, including “Recipes
             For the students, the pop-ups and ingredient spotlights   from Home” — propelled by the staff or Harvard students
          boost morale and help students get through sometimes dif-  themselves — and theme meals like “May the Forks Be with
          ficult educational situations.                      You” and “Mardi Gras,” as well as simple chef or manager
             After the recent HUDS Mushroom Spotlight, one student   tables “with small, special bites.”
          was quoted as saying, “Dinner tonight was amazing! Thank                                        —OCH

                   AVOCADOS from MEXICO
                                                             BAKED AVOCADO EGGS
            This spring, Harvard University Dining Services (HUDS) featured a roving
            “AvoCart pop-up,” sponsored by Avocados from Mexico, a subsidiary of the   INGREDIENTS:
            Mexican Hass Avocado Importers Association. The cart spent time at each of   2 Hass avocados
            the service’s 13 dining halls during the period March 21 through April 30, 2018.  4 large eggs
                                                             1 ounce lime juice, fresh or thawed frozen
            The cart’s specialty: Miso Guacamole with Salmon Poke and a Sriracha Aioli.  2 pinches of kosher salt
                                                             Salt, pepper, paprika for garnish

                                                             Preheat oven to 435°F (225°C).
                                                             Cut each avocado in half; remove pit. Using a spoon, scrape off center so there
                                                             is room for one egg. Squeeze lime juice over avocado halves and season lightly
                                               Miso Gua-     with salt. Place avocados in shallow baking pan so they won’t tip over.
                                               camole with   Crack eggs carefully into medium bowl and keep yolks intact. Once all eggs
                                             Salmon Poke and   are cracked, carefully spoon each yolk out of the bowl and place one yolk in
                                              Sriracha Aioli   each avocado half.
                                              was served to   Gently place baking pan in oven; bake for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven
                                             Harvard students   and garnish with salt, pepper and paprika.
                                              in an Avocados
                                               from Mexico   Yield: 4 servings
                                              AvoCart pop-up
                                             from March 21 to
                                              April 30, 2018.
                                                             AVOCADO TOAST
                                                                                         Avocados from Mexico
                                                              INGREDIENTS:               222 Las Colinas Blvd. West
                                                                 ¼ cup avocado pulp      Irving, TX 75039
                                                                    ¼ teaspoon kosher salt  Phone: (972) 501-1409
                                                                     2 pinches ground black   Mark Garcia
                                                                      pepper             Director of Foodservice/
                                                                       2 slices  Texas toast   Executive Chef
                                                                       1 tablespoon bacon bits
                                                                       ¼ cup  tomatoes,   College & University Contact:
                                                                       chopped           Augustine Agency for
                                                                                            Avocados from Mexico
                                                                      PREPARATION:       222 Las Colinas Blvd. West,
                                                                     Season avocado pulp with   Suite 747E
                                                                    salt and pepper. Spread a   Irving, TX 75039
                                                                  layer onto each piece of toast   Phone: (972) 597-2671
                                                               and cut each slice in half. Top with
                                                             bacon bits and chopped tomato. Serve.  Marilyn Dompe
                                                                                         Director of Partnerships
                                                             Yield: 4 servings           Office: (209) 523-1642
                                                                                         Cell: (209) 605-7573
                                             ALL PHOTOS: HUDS

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