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Plant Power

                                             The colorful Maryland Earth Day menu featured nine vegan
                                             offerings. Check it out at

           Vegan Red Lentil Mac & “Cheese.” According to UB CDS,               Zoodle salad, a popular vegan dish at the University at
           vegan cheeses now rival dairy cheeses and are very popular.                      Buffalo.
          specials are also available in non-vegan options, but some of   to see where there are opportunities for better or enhanced vegan
          the non-vegan specials — such as chicken tenders, tortellini   offerings. Each dining location was visited during different meal
          and ravioli — do not have vegan counterparts.       periods — breakfast, lunch, dinner, and late night — and the
             To celebrate Earth Day, Dining Services developed a menu   team, while they all were able to follow the vegan diet, noted
          featuring dishes from seven different countries around the   some room for improvement in the offerings around campus.
          world, with 13 vegetarian offerings — 9 of them for vegan   The team found that there is a significant need for more
          tastes — among the 21 dishes on the menu.           vegan breakfast options. “Just because you’re vegan doesn’t
             “We have been thrilled that the new vegan options have   mean breakfast should be limited to smoothies, oatmeal, or
          been going so well with the students that we are able to high-  energy bars,” said Chef Manager Megan Moynihan. “We’re
          light them in the special menus and events,” Dining Services   going to talk with our students, look at some recipes and see
          Nutritionist Sister Maureen Schrimpe, IHM, told On-Campus   if we can create some big, hearty vegan breakfasts … specifi-
          Hospitality. The menu for the Earth Day celebration, held in all   cally in our residential dining centers.”
          three University of Maryland dining halls, she said, highlighted   The addition of new products is an essential element of
          some of the most successful vegan recipes.          any changes made as a result of the vegan-only week. “There
             Senior Executive Chef John Gray created the vegan menu   are several new products that are coming into the market that
          offerings, including barbecued portabella mushrooms, vegan   we are going to evaluate,” said Adam Coats, assistant director
          crepes and a breakfast chia oatmeal pudding.        and vegan week participant. “Vegan cheeses are extremely
                                                              popular, and have improved to where they rival the taste and
             To appreciate the complete University of Maryland Dining
             Services Earth Day menu, go to  texture of dairy cheeses.”
                                                                 Necessary changes go beyond food offerings. Plazio noted
                                                              that updated signage was a necessity. “A great example is several
          UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO                               of our breads and rolls are now vegan. Our supplier changed
             For the entire week after Thanksgiv-  Photos: CDS,   to a new manufacturer, and we missed that opportunity to
          ing, from Nov. 27 through Dec. 3, 2017,   University at Buffalo  communicate that to our customers. We’re currently working
          the chefs of Campus Dining and Shops                on creating some impactful signs to get that message out.”
          (CDS) at the University at Buffalo, N.Y.,
          submerged themselves in a vegan-only diet both on-campus   UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS
          and at home. The results turned out to be very interesting.   As many schools are beginning to in-  Photos: Bryant Canzo-
             Neal Plazio, executive chef for CDS, led the vegan team   clude or expand vegan fare in their dining   neri/Hayley Graham,
          that included an assistant executive chef, a chef manager, an   offerings, some schools have been some-  UNT Dining Services
          assistant manager and an assistant director of dining. The goal   what ahead of the curve — for instance,    Marketing
          of the week was said to be to reframe the thinking surrounding   the University of North Texas, in Denton.
          plant-based meal planning and execution.               For the fourth consecutive year, the University of North
             “If we are not eating vegan, how can we develop vegan   Texas earned an “A+” rating as well as “Dean’s List” status
          menus?” Plazio said. “This question has been asked of us by   from peta2. The animal advocacy group recently released its
          our students and by ourselves as we try to create new recipes.”   2017 Vegan Report Card, and thanks to the success of its Mean
             The week-long effort was reportedly launched in response to   Greens Café, UNT continues to be recognized as one of the
          an article in The Spectrum, the university’s student newspaper.   nation’s leaders in vegan dining.
          “We have made significant improvements in our vegan offer-  “We love our vegans,” said UNT Director of Resident Dining
          ings in the past year, but walking in someone else’s shoes for   Peter Balabuch. “They are the ones we are aiming to please.
          the week really gave us the ability to understand the struggles   It’s always nice to be recognized by outside entities, but our
          they may have on campus,” Plazio said.              overarching mission is to continue to focus on winning the
             The team’s main objective was to assess all dining operations   students of UNT.”

          18   |  MARCH/APRIL 2018                                                         ON-CAMPUS HOSPITALITY
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