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Plant Power

                                Students Don’t Have to Be Devoutly

                                Vegan to Love Vegan Food

               ining halls on college campuses                                        dining stations, a number that more
               are no exception to the trend to                                       than doubled, growing from just 9
           Dhealthy eating that is becoming                                           percent in 2016.
            more and more commonplace no                                                Based on this interest, numer-
            matter where one chooses to dine.                                         ous centers of higher education are
            Certainly one facet of the trend is                                       offering vegan dining options to
            “veganism,” a type of vegetarian diet                                     students, or at the very least looking
            that excludes meat, eggs, dairy prod-                                     at adding vegan fare to their menus.
            ucts, and all other animal-derived                                          The University of Maryland and
            ingredients.                                                              the University at Buffalo, N.Y., are
              In general, a vegan can eat all                                         both in the process of developing
            grains, beans, legumes, vegetables                                        and offering vegan options for those
            and fruits, in any combination. Since                                     that want them; while the University
            there are numerous vegan versions   The all-vegan Mean Greens Cafe at the University of North Texas has   of North Texas is already a leading
            of popular products — everything   been a leader in vegan cuisine since its opening in 2011.  vegan veteran.
            from ice cream to cheese and hot
            dogs to hamburgers — there exists a truly exhaustive inventory   UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND  Photos: Jason
            of vegan offerings to choose from.                     In an effort to expand options for both   Gambit, University
              And one does not have to be a devout vegan to enjoy these   vegan and non-vegan students, University   of Maryland Dining
            foods. In fact, the latest U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)   of Maryland Dining Services released new   Services Marketing
            recommendation is for everyone to fill half their plate with   vegan specials available at all three cam-
            fruits and vegetables, which translates to between seven and   pus dining halls during its fall 2017 semester. By Earth Day
            nine servings per day for most children, teens and adults.  this spring, Dining Services was able to develop an ambitious
              Though only about 2 or 3 percent of the general population   multi-national menu replete with vegan and other vegetarian
            consider themselves to be vegans, the vegan lifestyle is find-  offerings.
            ing a home on college and university campuses. According to   The lack of more vegan options had reportedly been a
            vegan media company, while only 28 percent of   problem for students, and the new vegan specials are said to
            colleges offered vegan options in 2014, a majority of students   have been in active development since the fall. These vegan
            now have access to this cuisine — as of October 2017, 70   options will be routinely evaluated by Dining Services based
            percent of colleges and universities nationwide offer at least   on a variety of factors, such as cost, supply of food, prepara-
            one daily vegan meal option.                        tion time and student satisfaction.
              Peta2, the youth division of animal-rights organization   Designated stations in each dining hall will feature vegan
            People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, surveyed 1,500   choices. Examples of the offerings include vegan Reubens;
            colleges last year and found that 19 percent now offer all-vegan   build-your-own vegetable bowls and vegan barbecue. These
             Fruits, cereal and chocolate chips surround servings of            A  vegan  crepe  wrapped  around  fresh  fruit  compote
               chia oatmeal pudding for Earth Day breakfast.                           completes an Earth Day plate.

                                                  Senior Executive Chef John T. Gray serves
                                                  vegan  selections  from  the  University  of
                                                     Maryland CDS Earth Day menu.
            ON-CAMPUS HOSPITALITY                                                             MARCH/APRIL 2018  |   17
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