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Around the Campus

                  Pierce Wins Silver Plate Award

            C. Dennis Pierce, executive direc-  earned for exemplary service             are being driven by a genera-
          tor, University of Connecticut Dining   and dedication to UConn.               tion of students whose habits,
          Services, was honored in March with   Prior to coming to UConn,                tastes and expectations have
          a 2018 Silver Plate Award from the In-  Pierce was a unit manager at           changed faster and more dra-
          ternational Foodservice Manufacturers   Dartmouth College. Before              matically than ever. It has
          Association (IFMA).                that, he had spent 10 years at              impacted decision making
             One of nine winners of this presti-  the University of Delaware.            in everything from product
          gious award, Pierce was recognized by   “Campus  dining  has                   sourcing, equipment specifi-
          IFMA as the top foodservice operator   changed significantly in the            cations and staffing to dining
          talent in the “Colleges and Universities”   last 30-plus years because         hall design.
          category. From the nine Silver Plate win-  our customers have evolved             “We make a difference
          ners, IFMA judges will select a single   as they arrive on our cam-  Pierce    in the foodservice industry
          honoree to receive its top honor, the Gold   puses with a different set of expec-  by being the most innovative and
          Plate award.                       tations,” Pierce said. “Our mantra here at   responsive in the industry. Our programs
             “I have never interpreted this award   UConn is, ‘Obtaining an academic degree   have been a recruiting tool. Prospective
          as one that is won by one individual,”   is hard enough; finding food should not   students now carefully select the quality
          Pierce told On-Campus Hospitality. “No   be difficult.’               of campus dining as well as how they
          man or woman accomplishes their goals   “Whether it be vegan, vegetarian, ko-  are able to meet their dietary needs along
          without the support of others. Winning   sher, halal, healthy, wheat-free or dietary-  with academic offerings.”
          the Silver Plate means that our organi-  specific, we need to offer varied daily   Pierce said that with college and uni-
          zation and exemplary dining service is   selections. These changes, implemented   versity foodservice feeding thousands
          being recognized by the foodservice   over the past years, reflect an increasing   of repeat customers multiple times ev-
          industry, and all our staff’s hard work   interest nationally in ethnic food, trends   ery day, “We have learned that we are
          and accomplishments are realized. From   toward healthy eating, and the evolution   only as good as our last meal served.
          the front line server to our chefs and   of on-campus dining from a boring caf-  Since students have, in most cases, pre-
          management team, their efforts have now   eteria line to a community gathering.”  purchased meal plans, whenever we fall
          come to fruition.                     During his long career, Pierce said   short of meeting their expectations, the
             “Sometimes referred to as the ‘Acad-  that the term “convenience” has become   end result finds it way through social
          emy Awards’ of the Foodservice Indus-  more well-defined. “Students’ lives are   media at light speed. Our programs are
          try, receiving the Silver Plate is one of   not the norm,” he said. “It has become   offered in a variety of design-forward
          the most prestigious awards that can be   very difficult for a student to become   market styles. Students dine on globally
          bestowed. It is the recognition that we   accepted to a university and even more   influenced menus planned and prepared
          are on the right path; that following our   difficult to make the grades to sustain   by trained culinarians. It must be fresh,
          goals does work, that doing what we   enrollment.                     organic, local or regional.
          love and what we are passionate about   “Based on this, dining programs no   “While matriculating at a college or
          ... works. To quote Vince Lombardi, ‘The   longer align to the traditional day parts   university, students are creating life-long
          achievements of an organization are the   and now offer continuous service. Stu-  eating habits. It is our responsibility to
          results of the combined efforts of each   dents now eat smaller meals five to six   offer healthy options, provide education
          individual.’”                      times a day, not the traditional three meals   about making healthy choices and having
             Pierce will receive his award on May   per day. We have extended our service   them understand the sustainability aspects
          19 at the IFMA’s Gold & Silver Plate   hours to align for late-night dining, and   of the dining experience, whether it be
          dinner celebration at the new Marriott   have created ways for students to obtain   local sourcing or attentiveness to waste.”
          Marquis hotel in Chicago, during the   meals early, since they are on the road   As he looks back on his career, he told
          National Restaurant Association (NRA)   as they intern off campus.”   On-Campus Hospitality that his “secrets
          Show week at McCormick Place.         Pierce said that traditional campus   of success” include these:
             “The IFMA Gold & Silver Plate   dining “has moved away from the ba-  • “Adopt the phrase, ‘If you ignore
          Awards honor individual achievement   sic offering of a salad bar, a deli bar,   it you condone it’ as your mantra. As
          across the foodservice industry,” said   and a hot-food line to multi platforms,   you go about your daily tasks and you
          IFMA President and Chief Executive   where much more variety is available.   notice something that is inconsistent to
          Officer (CEO) Larry Oberkfell. “Ev-  Signage makes students aware of the   operational standards and you do not take
          ery year for 64 years now, the winners   ingredients, in case they have allergies.   any action to remedy the situation, then
          demonstrate excellence that makes us   Signage is also there to show where an   in essence you are saying that the issue
          all proud to be a part of this industry.”  item is sourced from, so students un-  is acceptable. Whether it is trash on the
                                             derstand that you are purchasing local,   floor, employees out of uniform, recipes
          CAMPUS FEEDING                     when available.”                   not being followed per direction, all of
             Pierce has been with UConn Din-    He believes college and university   these that go unmentioned now create
          ing Services for 30 years, and he will   food service “is an incubator for new   a substandard that may become accept-
          celebrate his 10th anniversary as Dining   ideas. We create trends by listening to   able behavior.”
          Services executive director in July. This   our students’ wants and desires. College   • “Do not be a trend follower; be a
          latest award is among many that he has   and university foodservice operations   —Continued on page 6, Pierce

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