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Skidmore College Hosts, Earns Gold in ACF Competition

                he Skidmore College culinary team   mushrooms, pan-roasted purple cauli-
             Tearned its fifth consecutive gold   flower and blood orange reduction sauce
            medal for culinary excellence in the   Dessert: citrus pound cake with soft
            American Culinary Federation (ACF)   chocolate semi-sphere hazelnut tuile with
            sanctioned competition held Friday, Jan.   caramelized pineapple
            12, 2018, on the Skidmore Campus in   Buffet: pork loin stuffed with BBQ
            Saratoga Springs, N.Y.             jackfruit featuring a warm kamut salad
              “We are extremely proud of our   with tropical fruits and sautéed spaghetti
            gold medal, and it is our pleasure to   squash
            host this unique event each year to high-  Eleven colleges and universities from
            light Skidmore College, our facilities   throughout the Northeast participated in
            and the culinary talent of our staff. We   the ACF-sanctioned competition, which
            were pleased that all teams and judges   awards gold, silver and bronze medals
            were impressed with the quality of our   based on a point system.
            food, the friendliness of our staff and   Skidmore led the competition, earn-
            the overall content of the event,” said   ing the highest total points for a gold
            Mark Miller, Skidmore’s director of   medal, followed by Cornell University,
            dining services.                   which also earned gold.
              The “Chopped”-like competition     The University at Albany, Ithaca Col-
            challenges four-person teams to create   lege, University of Rochester, University
            unique and delicious recipes using identi-  at Buffalo, SUNY-Geneseo and SUNY-
            cal baskets of ingredients and a shared   Cobleskill each earned silver medals.
            table of staples and spices. Facing tight   SUNY-Cortland, participating for the
            time limits, and without the use of broil-  first time in the competition, Williams
            ers or fryers, each team is challenged   College and the University of Connecticut   dining program.
            to produce a salad or appetizer, a soup   took home bronze medals.      “The annual competition allows our
            or dessert, an entree, and also a buffet   The judging panel consisted of two   staff an opportunity to enhance their
            platter. The dishes must be stylish but   certified master chefs, including the Capi-  knowledge, while also expanding their
            practical, nutritionally balanced, with   tal Region’s Dale Miller as lead judge;   practical culinary skills,” says Skidmore
            complementary flavors and textures and   head judge Fritz Sonnenschmidt; certi-  Dining Services Director Miller. “The
            good eye appeal.                   fied executive chefs Michael Morgan,   conference provides seminars, demonstra-
              Skidmore’s culinary team, including   James G. Rhoads III, Walter S. Zuromski   tions, tastings and networking opportu-
            chefs Joe Greco, Bryan Bidwell, Donovan   and Michael Stamets, and apprentice   nities for all participants. It’s important
            Preston and Paul Karlson, prepared the   judge Alain V. DeCoster. Judges critique   that our staff are actively learning and
            winning four-course meal:          originality, taste and presentation, and   testing new recipes that can eventually
              Appetizer: poached flounder with   they award or deduct points for timing,   be incorporated into Skidmore’s menus.”
            herb mousseline appetizer featuring a   teamwork, utilization of food, skills, sani-  Skidmore’s food service regularly
            crispy buttermilk fried avocado, pine-  tation and overall preparation.   achieves high rankings nationally, in-
            apple-napa slaw with toasted hazelnut   This was the seventh annual con-  cluding being named Best College Food
            crunch in a citrus butter sauce    ference and competition organized by   in 2017— second only to the Culinary
              Entrée: blood orange glazed Maple   Skidmore’s Dining Services to provide   Institute of America—by The
            Leaf Farms duck breast with Yukon Gold   ongoing staff development and keep rais-  ranking is based on meal plan costs and
            potato and braised duck thigh meat cro-  ing the standards of culinary excellence   Skidmore student reviews.
            quette, sautéed broccoli rabe with wild   on campus, and to highlight Skidmore’s

                                                                          From 11 colleges and universities in the Northeast, 44 chefs
                                                                          participated in a January ACF-sanctioned culinary competi-
                                                                             tion at Skidmore College. All 11 teams won medals.

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