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Around the Campus

                     Moser Named Grinnell College Director of Dining Services

              ollowing a 22-year career as the as-  chooses to source its food.            gathering stage” of the job.
           Fsistant director of Dining Services at   Recent efforts by members             Before implementing new
          Grinnell College, Iowa, Jeanette Moser   of the college community                policies and programs, she
          will fill the position of Director of Din-  have culminated in the Col-       PHOTO: MAI PHUONG VU  is committed to weighing
          ing services. She takes over from Dick   lege Garden initiative, which,          the dining desires of stu-
          Williams, former head of dining, who   spearheaded by Anthropol-                 dents and employees of
          retired this spring.               ogy Professor Jon Andelson,                   the college.
             In her new position, Moser will as-  provides the dining hall with              “We hired a consultant
          sume responsibility for implementing   fresh vegetables during the               to come in and review din-
          longer-term initiatives in the depart-  summer and fall seasons.                 ing services, and they’ve
          ment. She says that her responsibilities   In  her  new position,                done their review. And
          will include developing “a vision for   Moser will also work to                there’s been a dining ser-
          dining services,” and articulating “the   address “the needs of the   Moser    vices survey that went out,
          mission and values, so that we have a   overall population, or specific    and I’m making observations
          direction.” She intends to answer the   groups, [people with] medical diets,   [about] how we operate. … With that
          questions, “What’s our space? How can   vegan, religious diets.”      information, this summer we want to
          we utilize our space better?”         Just a month into her tenure as direc-  look at our mission and our vision and
             Among others, Moser will work to   tor of dining services, Moser says that she   the future incorporating this informa-
          address the ways in which the college   is currently working on the “information-  tion,” Moser said.

                             Virginia Chef Mark Bedzik Wins Produce Award

                                                      fresh flavor profiles, the pro-  working with accomplished, creative,
                ark Bedzik, chef,                     duce is used in menus of the   local chefs in every foodservice sec-
           Mgreenhouse manager                        institute’s main dining room   tor,” says Pro*Act CEO/President Max
          and member of the culinary                  and the campus lounge.    Yeater. “Each chef’s determination to
          arts faculty at the Culinary                   The Culinary Institute of   develop fresh menu offerings that keep
          Institute of Virginia, has                  Virginia is also known as the   their patrons coming back inspires and
          been named the winner of                    College of Culinary Arts of   challenges us to keep meeting and ex-
          the 2018 United Fresh Pro-                  ECPI University, originally   ceeding their expectations.”
          duce Excellence in Foodser-                 named East Coast Polytech-
          vice Award in the Colleges &                nic Institute, headquartered
          Universities category. Bedzik               in Virginia Beach.               2018 SHOWS
          joins winners in seven other                   Now in its eleventh year,
          categories honored as among    Bedzik       the Produce Excellence in             MAY 19 - 22
          the country’s most innova-              Foodservice awards program, ad-     NRA 99TH RESTAURANT AND
          tive chefs and foodservice professionals,   ministered by United Fresh and sponsored   HOTEL/MOTEL SHOW
          representing an array of culinary styles   by fresh food distributor Pro*Act LLC,   McCormick Place
          and backgrounds. All eight will receive   honors chefs and their companies for    Chicago, Ill.
          their awards as guests at the United Fresh   innovative and influential use of fresh   312.853.2525
          2018 convention and expo in Chicago,   produce in the culinary arts. 
          June 25-27.                           “These eight winners are using fresh   National Restaurant Association
             A graduate of Johnson & Wales Uni-  fruits and vegetables on their menus in
          versity, Bedzik has spent more than 25   very innovative ways. We are proud to    MAY 22 - 24
          years in food service, the last four at the   honor them for the important role that   SWEETS & SNACKS EXPO
          CIV. Since 2016, he has supervised the   they play in introducing their customers   McCormick Place West
          Chef’s Garden there, an 1,800-square-  to fruit and vegetable trends and new      Chicago, Ill.
          foot year-round greenhouse — about   products and applaud their commit-           202.534.1440
          half hydroponic, half soil — to herbs,   ment to advancing fresh consumption,”
          vegetables and edible flowers. Bedzik   said United Fresh President and Chief   National Confectioners Association
          reportedly credits living in Japan earlier   Executive Officer (CEO) Tom Stenzel.
          in his life as one influence piquing his   “We also recognize Pro*Act’s continued   JUNE 3 - 5
          interest in gardens and fresh produce.   generosity and support in honoring these
             The greenhouse garden, according to   winners and their positive impact on our   NACAS WEST REGIONAL CONFERENCE
                                                                                          Best Western Plus
          the school, brings the spirit of the farm-  nation’s dining habits, and we look forward   Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
          to-table movement to the forefront of   to celebrating with them at United Fresh   434-245-8425
          culinary education. In addition to show-  2018 in Chicago.”            
          casing the garden’s bounty in the CIV   “Our coast-to-coast network of fresh   National Association of College Auxiliary Services
          curriculum, acquainting students with   food distributors has the privilege of

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