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Around the Campus

                UNK Recognizes Employees

             hroughout the year, Chartwells UNK Dining Services at
          Tthe University of Nebraska at Kearney (UNK) routinely
          gives out recognition awards to its associates to show appre-
          ciation for all their hard work and contributions to the team.
          One award that is a highlight is the HERO award.
             The HERO Award, which stands for Helping Everyone
          Recognize Others, is presented to associates who go above and
          beyond in supporting both the dining team and students. This
          year, UNK Dining Services recognized Susan Hulshizer as its
          HERO award recipient for being an ambassador to students.
          Hulshizer has worked for UNK Dining Services for two years,
          most recently at its Louie’s Diner residential dining location.  Susan Hulshizer, lead at Louie’s Diner; Bryan Scherbarth, dining director for UNK
                                                              Dining Services; Jon Watts, vice chancellor for business and finance at University
             “We recently received an email from a student expressing          of Nebraska at Kearney
          her great appreciation for the entire staff at Louie’s Diner,
          but especially for Susan,” said Bryan Scherbarth, dining di-  students. “Susan feeds the soul of students. Her sincerity and
          rector for UNK Dining Services. “The student talked about   compassion for students lessen stress and enhance wellness.
          Susan’s kind and considerate nature, how she always takes the   Susan clearly understands the positive impact one person can
          time to talk to and encourage students, and how the student   have on the life of another. She embodies the family atmo-
          body that frequent Louie’s Diner appreciates everything she   sphere students value.”
          does for them. Susan represents the best of our UNK team.   Hulshizer explained what being recognized meant to her.
          She’s extremely positive, hardworking and a great supporter   “I’m overwhelmed with gratitude! The students mean so much
          of students on our campus. It was truly an honor to present   to me. I enjoy coming to work every day because of the inter-
          her with the HERO award for everything she does not only   action I have with them. Their smiles and kind words mean
          for our team, but for our students.”                a lot to me.”
             The award recognition took place May 1 in front of students   This is the first year UNK Dining Services has presented
          at Louie’s Diner, and was attended by dining and university   the HERO award to an associate. It hopes to make this a staple
          administration. Jon Watts, vice chancellor for business and   in their recognition program, presenting this award to several
          finance at UNK, talked about the impact Hulshizer has on   deserving associates next year.

                                        Binghamton Hosts Health Fair

             or the 11th year, Binghamton Univer-  BUDS Wellness Team, were on hand to   The 1,045 attendees participated in
          Fsity Dining Services (BUDS) in New   showcase products, offer helpful informa-  free health screenings, guided medita-
          York, in partnership with the Department   tion, and provide food, beverage samples   tion sessions, fitness demos, the BARK-
          of Campus Recreational Services, hosted   and fun giveaways.         9 therapy dog program, facility tours
          a comprehensive health fair on                                               and drawings, as they learned
          campus, showcasing food ven-                                                 how to incorporate health
          dors, community businesses,                                                  and wellness into their daily
          non-profit organizations and                                                 lives. “Wellness plays a sig-
          allied groups in celebration                                                 nificant role in the retention,
          of National Nutrition Month.                                                 satisfaction and success of
             “This year’s Health Fair                                                  Binghamton University stu-
          focused on an integrated and                                                 dents, faculty and staff,” said
          holistic approach to health and                                              Cindy Cowden, senior associ-
          wellness,” said Alexa Schmidt,                                               ate director for campus recre-
          registered dietitian with Bing-                                              ation and chair of B-Healthy:
          hamton University Dining Ser-                                                the Healthy Campus Initiative.
          vices. “We provided attendees                                                “It is our priority to create
          with a taste of everything we                                                and promote a culture where
          offer at Binghamton Univer-                                                  healthy choices are the easy
          sity. This includes our strong sustainable   “The BUDS wellness team consists of   choices. The Health Fair is a great com-
          partnerships, variety of dietary accom-  an employee from each unit,” said Com-  munity event that offers a comprehensive
          modations, new food options, nutritional   munity Liaison Lori Benson. “We are a   look at wellness and what it means to
          assistance, culinary expertise and more.   resource for our co-workers, promoting   live a balanced lifestyle, on campus and
          We are thrilled to come into our second   and providing wellness information. Our   off. We look forward to our continued
          decade of this valuable event for both   table at the Health Fair focused on daily   partnership with both Binghamton Uni-
          the campus and our local community.”  portion sizes for fats, grains, dairy, fruits,   versity Dining Services and our com-
             More than 70 vendors, including the   vegetables and proteins.”   munity partners.”

          6   |  MAY 2017                                                                  ON-CAMPUS HOSPITALITY
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