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Compliments to the Chef
         L      esa Holford

              rowing up, Lesa Holford, corporate executive chef at   the position and I ran
          GThe Ohio State University in Columbus, was exposed   the catering department
          to a lot of great food.                             and menu development
             “My parents were both foodies,” she said. “My mom had   for their marketplace
          the best-stocked pantry this side of the Mississippi. She was   operations,” said Hol-
          always open to us experimenting in the kitchen and giving   ford. “That was really
          us opportunities to create whatever we wanted. When it got   my first opportunity to
          to the point where I could cook dinners for the family, she   step into this different
          would take me to some of the more exclusive interesting   venue where I was re-
          grocery stores to be able to get things. At that time it was   ally making an impact
          halibut, saffron and duck, and I would cook for the family.”  on a large scale.”
             When she was old enough to get her driver’s license, she   From there, she was
          got a job that put her on a path to a culinary career. “I was   looking for a new op-
          able to find a job under Dan Remark, a CIA [Culinary Institute   portunity. “I wanted to
          of America] graduate. He turned out to be my mentor and   know how to cook food for 5,000 or 10,000 people, and the
          encouraged me to go to the Culinary Institute of America,”   only real opportunity I had to do that outside of Akron, but in
          said Holford. “He worked at a little place called the Mustard   the state of Ohio, was Ohio State or the Columbus Convention
          Seed Market and Café, which was primarily an organic, natural   Center,” she said. “I moved my entire family to Columbus to
          foods grocery store that had a restaurant. We made everything   be the executive chef at the convention center. I really fine-
          from scratch. I worked there in high school and on and off   tuned my logistics skills. At that point, it wasn’t so much
          when I would come back into town. He really is responsible   about cooking, it was about forming community relation-
          for directing my career and where I went. Going to the CIA   ships, doing tastings, working with a contract company, and
          was a big leap, to go off to a culinary school in New York.”   watching food costs and labor costs to a T. There were really
             After graduating from the CIA, she worked in a variety of   huge, large-scale events of up to 15,000 people. Then the job
          restaurants and corporate foodservice, and eventually moved   at Ohio State came up and I always said that the only other
          back to Ohio, where she is from. “That is when I had the op-  place I would ever work would be Ohio State.”
          portunity to be the executive chef at the Mustard Seed again,”   She had the opportunity to work with Ahmed again. “If I
          she said. “They came to me and asked if I wanted to run one   ever had a second mentor in life, it would be Zia,” said Holford.
          of their new operations.”                           “He has taught me a lot. He is so thoughtful and so strategic
             After three years there, she was looking for something   and smart. He has a great team. He focuses on accountability
          else. “The restaurant business can be grueling, especially for   and trust. I’ve never worked anywhere where everyone is so
          a mom,” she said. “A job came up at the University of Akron.   forthright and honest with each other. It is fantastic.”
          I thought it was time to get out of the restaurant industry and   Her culinary philosophy fits in with that of Ohio State,
          do something different and see what kind of influence I could   which is working to attain a goal of 40 percent local/sustain-
          have with college students. I think I was very interested in see-  able purchasing by 2025. “My personal philosophy with food
          ing what culinary skills I could take to the college platform.”  is that it has to be clean and fresh,” she said. “I think that
             At Akron, she interviewed with Zia Ahmed, who is now   personally, I always try to put fresh in front, and focus on
          the senior director of Dining Services at Ohio State. “I got   bright vegetables and vegetable-based food and plant-based
                                                              foods, and I think that we are getting that more and more
                                                              here at Ohio State.”
                                                                 She truly enjoys feeding and interacting with the students.
                                                              “It is awesome to hear their perspective, and that is why we
                                                              are here to provide for them,” said Holford. “That is our No.
                                                              1 purpose in Dining Services at Ohio State: to serve them
                                                              what it is they are looking for.”
                                                                 She appreciates the feedback. “It is great that outside my
                                                              door, I have thousands of students. You don’t get that in a
                                                              restaurant. You don’t get to throw something out there and
                                                              see if it sticks and have the open-door policy that you have
                                                              with the students. I find them to be a tremendous resource. I
                                                              enjoy working with them. I enjoy their perspective and their
                                                              feedback.”                                  —OCH

                                                           To see Chef Holford’s recipe for Curried Cauliflower
                                                            with Cashews, visit

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