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Around the Campus

            Dream Kitchen Survey Offers Educational Foodservice Equipment Buying Trends

              -Pulse’s new 2017 Dream Kitchen   same influence. This indicates that menu   of how cooking methods would affect
           YSurvey is a study on menu trends   trends such as grab ’n go and healthy   the nutritional value of the food. Sixty
          and non-menu factors influencing equip-  may strengthen as the K-12 consumer   percent of C&U foodservice directors
          ment purchases by K-12 and college and   transitions into higher education.  agreed that this factor influenced their
          university (C&U) foodservice profes-  Some menu trends have slightly   decisions, while 57 percent of K-12
          sionals. The study’s insights help equip-  lower influence in K-12 foodservice   foodservice directors stated the same.
          ment manufacturers better understand the   operations compared to that in C&U
          needs and challenges facing educational   food service. For example, 81 percent of   Emerging Opportunities
          food service operations.           C&U foodservice operators highlighted   The Dream Kitchen Survey has al-
             The study found that equipment-  sustainability as an important factor for   ways explored problem-solving oppor-
          buying decisions in both K-12 and C&U   equipment purchases, while 73 percent   tunities for K-12 kitchens and helped
          food service is greatly influenced by the   of K-12 foodservice directors stated the   manufacturers innovate to fulfill needs
          following menu trends: accommodating   same. This menu trend may gain more   born from evolving menu trends. Y-
          allergies, fresh/locally sourced, healthy,   emphasis, as students grow older and   Pulse’s latest study from The Dream
          sustainable and grab ’n go. Educational   more aware about sustainability issues.  Kitchen survey highlights other menu
          foodservice segments’ equipment pur-                                  trends that are beginning to impact equip-
          chase decisions were also influenced by   Non-Menu Factors            ment purchasing, such as off-campus
          non-menu factors, such as labor costs,   The biggest challenge when purchas-  dining, food trucks, QSR branded food
          budget constraints and staff training.  ing foodservice equipment included la-  offerings, lunch in the classroom and
             “These non-menu issues indicate that   bor cost. Ninety-two percent of C&U   electronic ordering. These emerging
          kitchen equipment that is foolproof for   foodservice operators said that labor   trends may not significantly impact
          staff and requires minimal training will   cost is a major factor when making an   equipment-purchase decisions today, but
          be in greater demand,” said Sharon Ol-  equipment purchase, while 82 percent   they do provide insights into future needs
          son, executive director of Y-Pulse. “Menu   of the K-12 foodservice operators said   and opportunities for not only equip-
          trends, such as healthy and grab ’n go,   the same thing. Seventy-six percent of   ment manufacturers, but also food and
          are no longer emerging, but are rather   C&U foodservice operators also took   beverage brands.
          a strong influence which will shape   into consideration staff training as a fac-  The 2017 Dream Kitchen Survey
          the equipment industry in the next few   tor when purchasing equipment, while   shows that foodservice directors are look-
          years.”                            71 percent K-12 foodservice operators   ing for smarter, more efficient cooking
                                             did the same. Budget constraints were   equipment. They are interested in equip-
          Menu Trends                        also an important challenge, with 92   ment that is easy to train staff members
             Eighty-five percent of C&U foodser-  percent of C&U foodservice operators   to use and can multi-task. When asked
          vice operators described accommodating   facing budget constraints when it came   about their biggest equipment needs,
          allergies as one of the most significant   to equipment purchases, while 79 percent   K-12 foodservice directors said they
          menu trends that will influence their   of K-12 foodservice operators also felt   really want updated, combi and con-
          equipment buying purchases, while 87   the same restrictions.         vection ovens, as well as dishwashers
          percent of K-12 foodservice operators   Other non-menu factors that influ-  with better drying capability. They are
          said the same. Seventy-seven percent of   enced educational foodservice directors’   also interested in display kitchens that
          C&U foodservice operators also cited   equipment purchase decisions included   allow students to see how their meals are
          fresh/locally sourced ingredients as an   space. Ninety-six percent of C&U food-  prepared and connect with the people
          important menu trend for equipment   service directors stated that space was a   who make their food.
          decisions, while 80 percent of K-12   big factor when it came to purchasing   As for C&U foodservice directors,
          foodservice operators agreed. These   foodservice equipment, while 89 percent   they said that their biggest equipment
          comparisons indicate that accommodating   of K-12 foodservice directors indicated   need is also for combi and convection
          allergies and different diets, as well as   the same. Seventy-two percent of C&U   ovens, along with wood-stone ovens and
          emphasizing fresh, local food ingredients,   foodservice directors said that calculation   wood-fire pizza stoves. They are looking
          are now a standard part of educational   of true lifetime cost of equipment also in-  for equipment that minimizes carbon
          food service. These trends seem to be   fluenced their decisions on which equip-  footprint in order to stay on-trend. They
          strengthening as younger consumers grow   ment to buy, while 64 percent of K-12   also desire flexible equipment that can
          into young adult consumers.        foodservice directors agreed. Another   be plugged in anywhere and can be re-
             Seventy-three percent of C&U food-  interesting non-menu factor for equip-  purposed for a pop-up location with a
          service operators said that the grab ’n go   ment purchases was the understanding   different menu.
          trend was influencing their equipment
          purchase decisions, while 73 percent of
          K-12 foodservice operators agreed with
          this statement. Eighty-five percent of
          C&U foodservice operators said that                      find us on facebook
          demand for healthier foods was also
          influencing their equipment purchase     
          decisions, while 97 percent of K-12
          foodservice operators also faced the

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