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Around the Campus                                                      Eye on Industry

             University of Mary Washington Carves for a Cure                     Subway Donates Meals

              niversity of Mary Washington   and Virginia Deli.  Carving tools were   To Help Fight Hunger
           U(UMW) Dining Services by Sodexo   provided by UMW Dining Services/So-
          in Fredericksburg, Va., and the UMW   dexo, and pumpkins were donated by   ustomers around the world joined
          student chapter of Relay for Life co-  local growers and businesses, includ-  CSubway to help provide meals to
          hosted a pumpkin-carving contest on   ing Meadows Farms, Evergreen Acres,   millions of people facing hunger dur-
          October 30, 2017 to help raise funds   Lowe’s and Wegmans.            ing the first-ever World Sandwich Day.
          for cancer research.                 Free hot cider and caramel apples   As a result of Subway’s “Live Feed”
             Participants included Fredericksburg-  were available for the pumpkin carv-  event, the restaurant chain donated more
          area residents and UMW campus com-  ers and spectators, courtesy of UMW   than 13.3 million meals to more than 20
          munity members who carved individually   Dining Services.             hunger-relief charities across the globe.
          or in teams for the contest, or simply   “Whether attendees joined in the   “As a food company with a global
          carved a pumpkin for fun. Carvers made   contest, made a donation for cancer   footprint, we are proud to be in the fight
          a $5 donation for a pumpkin, but any   research or just watched the Jack-O-  against hunger — and we cannot do it
          donation was accepted.             Lantern carvers at work, everyone had   alone,” said Suzanne Greco, president
             Jack-O-Lanterns were completed by   a great time at Carve for a Cure,” said   and CEO, Subway. “We have the best
          5 p.m., at which time the entries were   Rose Benedict, UMW Dining Services   franchisees, Sandwich Artists and cus-
          reviewed by a judging panel headed by   marketing manager.            tomers in the world. It is because of
          UMW President                                                         their hard work that we are able to make
          Dr. Troy  Paino.                                                      an impact on hunger in more than 60
          Judging was based                                                     countries around the world.”
          upon the original-                                                      According to the World Food Pro-
          ity, theme and over-                                                  gram, one in nine people go hungry in
          all execution of the                                                  the world every day. Most of them are
          design.                                                               children, working families and seniors.
             The top three                                                      On Nov. 3, Subway took National Sand-
          entries  received                                                     wich Day global with World Sandwich
          prizes donated by                                                     Day to address hunger around the world.
          Riverby Books,                                                        More than 40,000 restaurants in more
          Chick-fil-A, CiCi’s                                                   than 60 countries, including the U.S.,
          Pizza, Sweet Frog                                                     helped Subway donate to people who
                                                                                do not have enough to eat.
                                                                                  “Every day, there are people who do
               Liberty Brings Local Produce Stand to Campus                     not get the food they need to thrive, and
                                                                                families around the world struggle to
             iberty Dining Services in Lynchburg,   The produce stand, open through   put food on the table,” said John Scott,
           LVa., is partnering with Cavalier Pro-  December and again from February   vice president of Corporate Social Re-
          duce to bring local produce to campus.   until May, features seasonal heirloom   sponsibility, Subway. “As the world’s
          Cavalier Produce purchases and distrib-  tomatoes, mixed baby tomatoes, gala   largest sandwich restaurant chain, we
          utes goods from farmers within a 50-mile   apples, oyster mushrooms, local lettuce,   have the opportunity to raise awareness
          range of its location in Louisa, Va.  breads, granola, honey, jellies and jams,   about world hunger and partner with
             “We are extremely excited for this   cucumbers, bell peppers, peaches, pears,   organizations around the world to fight
          partnership between Dining Services by   broccoli, celery, carrots, sweet potatoes,   hunger.”
          Sodexo and Cavalier Produce,” said Unit   kale and spinach.             To support World Sandwich Day in
          Marketing Coordinator Ryan Wheeler.   The dining team is using the pro-  the U.S., Subway U.S. donated 11.5 mil-
          “Providing locally grown produce and   duce stand to teach students about the   lion meals to Feeding America, the largest
          making it readily available to our students   health benefits of foods, such as kale,   domestic hunger-relief-organization, to
          is huge, as some of them can’t make   and how using local honey can help with   fight hunger in communities nationwide.
          it to our city’s local farmer’s market.   allergies. More than a place of com-  This is the second consecutive year that
          Therefore, we are bringing it to them.”  merce, it is a place for educating about   Subway has collaborated with Feeding
                                                           farming  and  food   America for the sandwich holiday. In
                                                           processing.  “This   2016, Subway made the largest single-
                                                            produce stand is a   day donation of 11 million meals, which
                                                            campus-based mar-   provided resources to Feeding America’s
                                                            ketplace where stu-  nationwide network of 200 food banks.
                                                            dents, faculty and
                                                            staff can enjoy a
                                                            wide range of home-             VISIT US
                                                            grown vegetables and
                                                            fruits, artisan bread,      oncampus
                                                            and homemade pre-
                                                            serves,” said Wheeler.

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