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                                                                            MARKET TRENDS

                        SUBSISTENCE PRIME


               efense Logistics Agency   All 35 Categories
            D(DLA) Troop Support in                                          TOP CATEGORIES
            Philadelphia, Pa., held 53     and Segment                       BY DOLLAR VOLUME
            prime vendor contracts with
            21 food distributors world-  Breakdowns in Each             CATEGORY       % OF SALES   DOLLAR VOLUME
            wide in calendar 2016. An-                                  Meat              20.76%    $262,116,319
            nual combined subsistence                                   Poultry           10.90%    $137,640,890
            sales for fiscal 2017 through June are $1.86 billion and for all of fiscal   Beverages   9.93%    $125,397,545
            2016 were $2.3 billion, which includes subsistence and food service   Vegetables   6.47%    $81,678,293
            operating supplies supplied by prime vendors, as well as contracting   Fish & Seafood   6.39%    $80,667,075
            efforts outside of the Subsistence Prime Vendor program.    TOP 5 CATEGORIES   54.46%    $687,500,122
               One2OneUS LLC, based in Maple Shade, N.J., tracks military
            sales and National Allowance Pricing Agreement (NAPA) allowance   Bakery & Baking Products   5.51%    $69,525,851
            information so that DLA Troop Support can monitor monthly sales   Fruits       4.31%    $54,424,094
            of food, food service equipment and supplies.               Entrées            3.62%    $45,694,255
               The listings on the following pages recap Subsistence Prime Vendor   Eggs   3.54%    $44,638,728
            (SPV) sales by category from Jan. 1, 2016, through Dec. 31, 2016.   Dairy Products   2.72%    $34,350,293
            The data breaks down 35 food categories by class (or segment), per-  NEXT 5 CATEGORIES   19.70%    $248,633,345

                                                                        TOP 10 CATEGORIES   74.16%    $936,133,467
                    SPV SALES BY CATEGORY

               PAGE  CATEGORY             % Of SALES  DOLLAR VOLUME  centage of market share within the category, dollar
                *   Appetizers/Hors d’oeuvres  0.64%    $8,109,088   volume and percentage within each class (segment)
                26  Bakery & Baking Products  5.51%    $69,525,851   sold within the continental United States (CONUS)
                22  Beverages               9.93%     $125,397,545   and outside the continental United States (OCONUS).
                *   Cereals                 2.57%      $32,386,902
                *   Cheese                  2.34%      $29,526,191      Of the 35 categories, the top 10 represent nearly
                38  Condiments              1.40%      $17,674,384   $936 million, or almost three-quarters (74.16 per-
                *   Dairy Products          2.72%      $34,350,293   cent) of overall Subsistence Prime Vendor Sales during
                36  Desserts                2.23%      $28,177,958   2016. Meanwhile, the top five categories represent
                *   Disposables             0.16%       $2,074,157   $687.5 million, or more than half (54.46 percent) of
                *   Eggs                    3.54%      $44,638,728
                32  Entrées                 3.62%      $45,694,255   Subsistence Prime Vendor sales for the period. The
                *   Equipment               0.00%         $34,054    next five largest categories total $248.6 million, or
                38  Ethnic Dishes           1.36%      $17,186,750   19.7 percent.
                *   Fats, Shortenings & Oils  1.02%    $12,916,458      As measured by dollar volume, two center-of-the-
                31  Fish & Seafood          6.39%      $80,667,075   plate entrée staples, Meat and Poultry, rank first and
                *   Food Products, Miscellaneous  0.48%   $6,055,115  second in Subsistence Prime Vendor dollar volume
                26  Fruits                  4.31%      $54,424,094
                *   Jams, Jellies & Spreads  0.18%      $2,288,402   sales among the 35 categories.
                20  Meat                   20.76%     $262,116,319      Meat, with 2016 sales of $262.12 million, is the
                *   Non-Dairy Product, Substitutes  0.46%   $5,769,854  top category for the third consecutive year. It accounts
                *   Nuts                    0.44%       $5,531,584   for 20.8 percent of Subsistence Prime Vendor sales,
                *   Pasta, Dry & Frozen     0.52%       $6,584,689   flat with 20.9 percent in 2015, which was up from
                *   Portion Packs           2.47%      $31,209,749
                34  Potatoes                2.43%      $30,674,797   19.4 percent in 2014.
                28  Poultry                10.90%     $137,640,890      Poultry continues in second with 2016 sales of
                32  Rice                    0.95%      $12,035,431   $137.64 million, ahead of $132.79 million in 2015
                *   Salad Dressing          0.39%       $4,979,447   when it became the second-largest category by dollar
                *   Salads, Prepared        0.21%       $2,703,157   volume, moving up from third in 2014. It represents
                34  Sauces & Bases          1.49%      $18,847,712   10.9 percent of Subsistence Prime Vendor sales, which
                31  Snack Foods             2.52%      $31,862,933
                *   Soups                   0.66%       $8,338,341   is about even with 11.14 percent in 2015 and 11.15
                *   Spices & Seasonings     0.71%       $8,982,294   percent in 2014.
                *   Supplies                0.03%        $420,733       Both are ahead of third-place Beverages, with sales
                *   UGR (Unitized Group Rations)  0.15%   $1,835,734                        of $125.4 million, or 9.9
                22  Vegetables              6.47%      $81,678,293   *See page number for categories in   percent of Subsistence
               Total                      100.00%    $1,262,339,257   this issue, all categories are online
                                                                      at  Prime Vendor totals for
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