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          the year. Beverages first poured into third in 2015 with   ranked fourth in 2015 with Subsistence Prime Vendor sales
          sales of $117.68 million (9.9 percent) after ranking second in   of 76.29 million, or 6.4 percent of the total. It ranked fourth
          2014 with 11.98 percent of total Subsistence Prime Vendor   with 6.4 percent of total Subsistence Prime Vendor sales in
          sales and first in 2013 with 17.8 percent.          2014 after moving up in 2013 from a fifth-place finish in
             Vegetables gains a fourth-place ranking in 2016 with   2012, passing Vegetables.
          Subsistence Prime Vendor sales of $81.68 million, or 6.5   Bakery & Baking Products leads off the next five largest
          percent of the year’s total. The category moves up for the   categories by dollar volume. For the year, Bakery & Baking
          third consecutive year after ranking fifth in 2015 in sales   Products sales were $69.53 million, or 5.51 percent of the
          by category with $75.06 million, or 6.3 percent. It ranked   total for all 35 Subsistence Prime Vendor categories. Dollar
          sixth in 2014 with 6.3 percent of sales.            volume increased from the category’s 2015 total of $64.25
             Fish and Seafood remains in the top five Subsistence   million, or 5.4 percent. In 2014, it ranked sixth with 5.3
          Prime Vendor sales categories, with sales of $80.67 million   percent of sales.
          in 2016, or 6.39 percent of the year’s total. The category   Fruits remains the seventh-largest category by dollar
                                                                                volume, with 2016 Subsistence Prime
                                                                                Vendor sales of $54.42 million, or 4.31
                                                                                percent of the total. Sales increased
                                                                                from $48.65 million in 2015, or 4.1
                                                                                percent of the total. In 2014 it again
                                                                                ranked seventh with 4.2 percent of sales.
                                                                                   Entrées enters at eighth place for
                                                                                2016 with sales of $45.69 million, or
                                                                                3.62 percent of the annual total for
                                                                                the 35 categories. It moves up from
                                                                                ninth in 2015, and sales increased from
                                                                                $42.87 million, or 3.6 percent of that
                                                                                year’s total. The category was eighth
                                                                                in 2014 with 3.8 percent of sales and
                                                                                in 2013 with 3.78 percent of the total
                                                                                for the year.
                                                                                   Eggs ranked as the ninth-largest cat-
                                                                                egory by dollar volume, with 2016 Sub-
                                                                                sistence Prime Vendor sales of $44.64
                                                                                million, or 3.54 percent of the year’s
                                                                                total. In 2015, Eggs stood in eighth
                                                                                place with sales of $44.64 million, or
                                                                                3.9 percent of the annual total for
                                                                                the 35 categories. It moved up from
                                                                                ninth place in 2014 with 3.2 percent
                                                                                of sales and from 10th in 2013 with
                                                                                2.7 percent of the total for that year.
                                                                                   Tenth largest among the 35 Subsis-
                                                                                tence Prime Vendor categories by dollar
                                                                                volume is Dairy Products with $34.35
                                                                                million in sales, or 2.72 percent of the
                                                                                year’s total. It ranked 10th in 2015 with
                                                                                sales of $33.47 million, or 2.8 percent
                                                                                of the total, moving up from 12th in
                                                                                2014 with 2.6 percent of sales.
                                                                                   As a snapshot of subsistence prime
                                                                                vendor sales for the year, the break-
                                                                                down of total spending by individual
                                                                                category shows where dollars are being
                                                                                spent and purchasing shifts. Overall,
                                                                                total sales for all of the 35 categories
                                                                                rose 5.87 percent in 2016 to $1.26
                                                                                billion from $1.19 billion in 2015.
                                                                                   The data presented here is based on
                                                                                proprietary information compiled and
                                                                                furnished by One2OneUS LLC under
                                                                                a contract with DLA Troop Support.
                                                                                Throughout these listings, the total
                                                                                dollar and percentage figures may not
                                                                                add up due to rounding.     —GFS

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