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Military Club & Hospitality spoke with
Coast Guard Community Services Command
(CGCSC) Morale, Well-Being and Recreation
(MWR) Director Gary Scheer, about the ser-
vices’ lodging present and future.
MCH: Do you have any new programs or initiatives underway
or planned for the future that you would like to discuss?
Scheer: Looking forward, the 70-room lodging facility at the
Coast Guard Academy will see some enhancements this year
by replacing vinyl mini-blinds with Levolor faux-wood blinds
on over 140 windows. The MWR director at the Coast Guard
Academy additionally plans to replace bedspreads, blankets
and curtains to update the décor of all 70 guest rooms.
MCH: Please talk about the importance of training, from
operations to customer service, for Coast Guard lodging
Scheer professionals. Any new training initiatives to report?
Scheer: Coast Guard training for lodging professionals,
MCH: What were the highlights of Coast Guard lodging and all areas of MWR, is very important to providing quality
during fiscal 2017? Were there any initiatives that exceeded programs and services to our customers. By networking with
expectations? Please explain. our professional counterparts not only in Coast Guard MWR,
but the other services as well, we have discovered a wealth of
Scheer: Coast Guard lodging revenues remained approxi- resources to assist in delivering training at the lowest cost. In
mately the same, about $4.8 million, with only a small $5K March this year, the Community Services Command (CSC)
increase over last year. The commands operating MWR lodging conducted training for 10 new MWR directors service-wide.
facilities continue to focus on customer service, providing an At this time, we plan to conduct the course again next year at
affordable lodging alternative, and quality accommodations in the CSC, in Chesapeake, Va.
their lodging facilities, as well as the other MWR programs
and services on the installation. The Coast Guard’s core values
of Honor, Respect, and Duty to People provide the foundation MCH: What is the forecast for lodging moving forward, and
for how we deliver customer service and strive to exceed all what are some of your goals for the coming fiscal year?
There were no initiatives that did not meet expectations. Scheer: The forecast moving forward continues to be very
bright for Coast Guard lodging. By promoting lodging op-
portunities in tourist destinations at a reasonable price, with
MCH: Have you completed any new renovations or opened unmatched customer service, customers will continue to choose
any new lodges recently, or are there any new lodges you MWR lodging as their first choice in lodging alternatives. Our
plan to open in the next year or two? goal is to continue this positive trend, while offering patrons
select lodging choices at a good price.
Scheer: Training Center Cape May completed furniture up-
grades in two of the six Guest Quarter’s. This renovation provided
the rooms a refreshing, new, appearance. The MWR director at MCH: Is there anything else you would like to add?
Training Center Cape May specifically plans to complete the
furniture upgrades in the remaining four units this year and then Scheer: Coast Guard MWR lodging would like to welcome
start the remodel of all six kitchens. Based on feedback from all MWR patrons! Our facilities offer affordable lodging for
customer surveys the upgrades are very well received! [Editor’s travelers in popular destinations, and we hope they will consider
Note: You can read more about the Cape May upgrades in the Coast Guard lodging when making travel plans. You may find
June 2017 issue of Military Club & Hospitality.] complete information on Coast Guard Lodging and how to make
At this time, we do not plan to open any new lodging reservations at our new website:
facilities. —MCH