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Inns of the Corps Miramar  Del Mar Beach Resort

            rate the new Inns of the Corps Brand Architectural and Design   The new guest room and suite interior package features the
            Guidelines that emphasize the Inns of the Corps “Clean, Crisp   “Modern Classics” line of case goods, presented by Thomas-
            Comfort” brand promise, to include the signature bedding   ville Furniture. Among these new furnishings is an upholstered
            package, guest reception pods, a complimentary hot breakfast   headboard, a millwork vanity with a quartz top and an F&B
            bar and the new color palettes and furnishings.     cabinet that houses the micro refrigerator, microwave, coffee
              The new design feature for the guest reception, the in-  maker and entertainment system. The nested desk with triple
            dividual “pods,” creates a more personal and comfortable   electrical outlets saves space and provides a large work area
            service environment for our guests. The pods will increase   when needed. At the end of the day, the Inns of the Corps
            guest interaction as the guest service agents will have greater   signature bed and linen package will pamper our guests.
            access to move about the lobby, the Eat, Work, Relax area   2018 will be a busy year for renovations and facility re-
            and the guest lounge, interacting with guests in ways beyond   freshes, as we continue to deliver on our Brand Promise of
            simply transactional.                               “Clean, Crisp Comfort.” Three Inns of the Corps TLFs are

                                           BUILT FOR THE OUTDOORS
                                           BUILT FOR THE
                                           BUILT FOR THE
                                           BUILT FOR THE
                                                    • Arrives pre-wired, fully constructed, factory tested & ready to operate.Arrives pre-wired, fully constructed, factory tested & ready to operate.
                                                    • Highest energy effi ciency of any outdoor walk-in.Highest energy effi ciency of any outdoor walk-in.
                                                    • •
                                                    • Custom color available at no additional charge.Custom color available at no additional charge.Custom color available at no additional charge.Custom color available at no additional charge.
                                                    • Antimicrobial interior standard on all units.Antimicrobial interior standard on all units.Antimicrobial interior standard on all units.
                                                    • Available in any size from 6’x6’ to 16’x65’.Available in any size from 6’x6’ to 16’x65’.Available in any size from 6’x6’ to 16’x65’.
                                                    • Seamless fi berglass interior and exterior.Seamless fi berglass interior and exterior.Seamless fi berglass interior and exterior.

      GSA No. GS-07F-003GA                             |    (888) 252-7718
      GSA No. GS-07F-003GA
      GSA No. GS-07F-003GA
                                                       |    (888) 252-7718
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