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                                   NAVY LODGING

                                  MAINTAINS SUCCESS

                               Military Club & Hospitality spoke with Navy Lodging Program
                               Manager Tamara Davis, who provided an update on the highly suc-
                               cessful Navy Lodging Program, which includes Navy Gateway Inns
                               & Suites (NGIS), Navy Getaways (NG) and Fisher House locations.

              MCH: What were the highlights of the Navy Lodging         NAVY GETAWAYS
              Program (NLP) over the past year? Please explain.            I would like to highlight a successful partnership
                                                                        between Navy Getaways and the Community Rec-
             Davis: It has been an amazing year! A fast-                reation Program, “The Great Navy Campout!” This
          paced year filled with accomplishments as Navy                was the second year of the Campout with participa-
          Gateway Inns and Suites (NGIS), Navy Getaways                 tion during the summer at multiple locations. The
          (NG) and Navy & Marine Corps Fisher Houses                    event successfully attracted a significant number of
          continued to pursue exceeding guests’ expectations.           campers and families to camping, staying at Navy
          We invested and focused on training, technol-                 Getaways, learning recreational skills, and having
          ogy, accreditation, renovation, communication                 a fun summer vacation with families and friends.
          and smart business decisions in order to deliver                 CNIC N9 Marketing led an initiative to update
          stellar lodging services to our guests.         Davis         MWR logos. Navy Getaways MWR, was a part
             NLP Professional Development 2017 contin-                  of that change and our travelers staying at Navy       VenusGroup_OCT2017_Print.pdf   1   9/13/17   1:31 PM
          ued to see a robust and proactive training program. Roughly   Getaways will have the opportunity to see the change…yet
          3,750 team members are receiving program-specific training   still experience the same Navy Getaways fun! The new logos
          support. We’ve completed an audio/narration project to our   will increase customer recognition with the familiarity of the
          six online YES! (You’re Empowered to Succeed) orientation   MWR mission and purpose for our service members and their
          training modules. The NLP self-paced online content is now   families. We also just released the Navy Getaways vision state-
          available not only in English and with closed captioning –   ment: “Navy Getaways - The Preferred Vacation Destination.”
          these modules now include Spanish and Japanese narration.  This past year our focus was on providing consistent qual-  Energy
             The new Supervisory Skills Course development and ex-  ity recreational Getaways services and amenities, which have
          perimental class testing were just completed. The Supervisory   resulted in a Navy Getaways program-wide 4 percent occupancy
          Skills Course is an interactive process using self-paced, web-  increase and 5 percent revenue increase.
          based and classroom training, culminating with the completion                                                        Savings
          of a capstone project at the supervisor’s lodging operation.   NAVY AND MARINE CORPS FISHER HOUSE PROGRAM            Savings
          The goal is to help this critical group of leaders develop the   Our Fisher House managers continue to reach out to local
          skills to successfully manage the many daily challenges of   commands and communities with educational briefings to   C
                                                                                                                               In Every
          being a government lodging hospitality supervisor.  ensure awareness of eligibility to stay at a Fisher House and
             Also new is the Navy Getaways housekeeping training initia-  to understand the services provided to them. We are pleased   M  In Every
          tive for vacation rentals and RV [Recreational Vehicle] parks.   with the greater support the houses have received in the past   Y
          The housekeeping training first phase was completed, and we   year, which includes voluntary services and donations. Man-
          are currently working on launching this training at selected   ager partnership with Navy Safe Harbor and Navy Gold Star   CM
          sites during the last quarter of 2017. The goal is to help Navy   programs is ongoing and strong. This ensures our families   MY  Wash.
          Getaways staff improve services to vacation rental and RV   will receive the assistance they need while staying at our   CY  Wash.
          park guests through improved housekeeping management and   Fisher Houses. This year, the service program managers and                                                                                                    ®
          service delivery techniques.                        managers attended the DoD Warrior Games in Chicago as   CMY
             In the technology area, highlights include completing our   part of the family support program. It was a truly memorable   K
          Defense Lodging Systems (DLS) refresher training for the   experience for all of them to participate. Participants of the                                                                                    FARM 2 FINISH   ®
          enterprise in April. Another highlight included installing hard-  Warrior Games were able to experience full circle what it
          wired connections at NGIS for those travelers requiring a direct   means to have stayed in the Fisher House during a traumatic                                 Our Goldcrest  Towels are constructed with superior yarn for
          connect. We are also vetting the project plans to roll out the   time, to being a bright shining star and a beacon of inspiration                              comfort, durability and strength. Requires less water and drying
          NGIS enterprise Wi-Fi/telephone solution for our OCONUS   as they competed in the Warrior Games.                                                               time than conventional towels.
          locations. OCONUS NGIS locations currently have connectivity;
          however, we are continuing efforts to overcome local technical   NAVY LODGING PROGRAM ACCREDITATION                                                                  Call us for more information and samples
          challenges to get the performance level to the NGIS standard.  The accreditation team conducted a total of 28 accredita-

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