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tion reviews in FY17. The reviews were conducted in eight   Davis: Numerous Whole Room Concept (WRC) NGIS
            regions: Commander Navy Region Europe Southwest Asia;   Signature Design projects are in progress throughout the en-
            Commander Navy Region Mid-Atlantic; Commander Navy   terprise and will continue through the year. Travelers will
            Region Southwest; Commander Navy Region Southeast; Joint   enjoy refreshed and new guest rooms throughout all regions.
            Region Marianas; NRC Singapore; Commander Navy Re-
            gion Japan; and Naval District Washington. Four installations   NGIS
            achieved the Navy Lodging Program Accreditation Award and   NAS New Orleans Joint Reserve Base welcomed the ad-
            14 installations achieved the NLP’s highest award, the Adm.   dition of 50 new Standard Queen Guest rooms. The new fa-
            Elmo R. Zumwalt Award, to include one Navy and Marine   cility expansion significantly increases the NGIS capability
            Corps Fisher House.                                 to meet the reserve-unit demand. Renovations to the historic
               The strength of the Lodging Program is truly the indi-  Herrmann Hall at NSA Monterey are near completion. The
            viduals that make up the team! Beyond overcoming the daily   lodging program manager along with a few regional lodging
            challenges, the team cohesiveness is our key to our success.   directors, got a sneak peek of a mock room during a facility
            From financial performance, standardization, staff training   tour held in conjunction with the NAF Recapitalization Evalu-
            and program standards, the highlight for me has to be in our   ation and Assessment Board (EAB). NGIS NAS Patuxent River
            ability to seamlessly answer the bell. In such a fiscal-strained   re-opened 35 renovated guest rooms. Naval Station Newport’s
            environment, the ability to pull together as a team is paramount.   new 200-room facility is scheduled to open early spring 2018.
            We are excited to announce three new Employee of the Year
            Recognition Award categories: Department Manager, Depart-  Additional NGIS 2017 Projects Completed/In Progress:
            ment Lead and Trainer. The area of recognition is at the Region   Souda Bay, Greece; Naples, Italy; NB Guam and Andersen
            and Installation level to include support staff positions. The   AFB Guam; CFAC, Korea; NAS North Island, Calif.; Port
            Employee of the Year Awards and the Accreditation Awards   Hueneme, Calif.; NAWS China Lake, Calif.; NAS Oceana
            will be presented during the annual Lodging Appreciation   Dam Neck Annex, Va.; NB Norfolk, Va.; NCBC Gulfport,
            Day scheduled throughout the enterprise on Nov. 15, 2017.  Miss.; NSB Kings Bay, Ga.; NAS Meridian, Miss. and NSA
                                                                Mid-South, Tenn.

               MCH: Please provide an update on any lodging program   Navy Getaways 2017 Projects Completed/In Progress:
               renovation projects in progress or recently completed. Any   NAS Jacksonville, Fla. - Cottages; NSA Annapolis, Md.
                       planned for later this year or 2018?     - Cottages; and NRC Solomon’s Island, Md.
          VenusGroup_OCT2017_Print.pdf   1   9/13/17   1:31 PM



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