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Guest room resets were completed at Navy Lodges New-  Index (ACSI) of 78.
            port, R.I., and Port Hueneme, Calif. A lobby reset was also   “The Navy Lodge is one of the top two places I’ve stayed
            completed in Port Hueneme that included a new front desk   in. Guest services, cleanliness, room size, price, location and
            and breakfast area.                                 amenities were outstanding! I can’t say enough great things
                                                                about our stay. My family felt like we were in a high-end,
                                                                five-star hotel! Would recommend to anyone and everyone!”
               MCH: Tell us about the website and its   — Actual guest comments from online survey
               online comment card system. What information have you   The new website will go live in the first half of 2019.
                          culled from the comments?

               Bockelman: The online comment card system went live in   MCH: Is there any further information that you can provide
            December 2017. It has been a valuable tool, allowing guests to   us that you are excited about for fiscal 2019 and beyond?
            express their opinions and provide valuable feedback on their
            guest experience in our Navy Lodges. This form of evaluation not   Bockelman: Exciting things on the horizon for the Navy
            only helps measure guest satisfaction, but also shows us where   Lodge Program:
            we can make improvements to ensure we meet the expectations   • Upgrading the property management system to improve
            of all guests. The online comment card system has opened a   the guest experience.
            channel for “real time” engagement with guests, and lets them   • Reviewing the keying system for increased safety and
            know that their feedback is being listened to and is appreciated.  security.
               Guests continue to rate the Navy Lodge program at 90+   • Continuing to keep designs fresh and current for military
            percent, compared to the American Consumer Satisfaction   members and their families, today and tomorrow.

              CNIC Navy Lodging Program -  Continued from page 19
            ACCREDITATION                                       125-guest-room hotel at NSF Dahlgren, Va.
                                                                   In addition, 2018 approved programming, in-progress repair
               MCH: Please fill us in on the work of the Navy Lodging   or furnishing upgrades are scheduled at NB Guam and NSA
               Program Accreditation Team during the past year. How   Andersen, both in Guam; NB Point Loma Harbor Annex, NB
               many accreditations were conducted, and what were the   San Diego and NAS North Island, Calif.; CFA Yokosuka and
                           results of these reviews?            NAF Misawa, Japan; JB Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii; NASJRB
                                                                Fort Worth, Texas; NAS Sigonella, Italy; and NSF Diego Garcia.
               Davis: The accreditation team conducted a total of 31 reviews
            in 2018. The reviews were conducted in eight Navy regions:   NEW PROGRAMS, INITIATIVES
            Europe, Africa and Southwest Asia; Korea; Japan; Mid-Atlantic;
            Northwest; Southeast; Southwest; and Naval District Washington.    MCH: Do you have any new programs and initiatives planned
              Eleven installations achieved the Navy Lodging Program                 for 2019?
            Accreditation Award and five installations achieved the Navy
            Lodging Program’s highest award, the Adm. Elmo R. Zumwalt   Davis: The lodging program is preparing to transition to
            Award, to include one Navy and Marine Corps Fisher House.    a headquarters central-delivered model for complete end-to-
              The Accreditation Awards will be presented in conjunction   end management and delivery of the lodging program. We
            with the 18 Stellar Navy Lodging Program Annual Awards   are excited about this new opportunity, and look forward to
            winners during the annual Lodging Appreciation Day, sched-  defining additional efficiencies in the effort to improve guest
            uled worldwide on Nov. 14, 2018.                    services to the Department of Defense (DoD) community.
                                                                   We have a partnership with NEXCOM to include Micro-
            RENOVATION PROJECTS                                 Mart self-service vending operations that are scheduled to be
                                                                provided at NAS Jacksonville, Fla., and JB Anacostia-Bolling,
               MCH: Please provide an update on lodging program reno-  Washington, D.C.  A Micro-Mart is already in place at NB
               vation projects that are in progress or that have recently   Point Loma, Calif., and the guests love it!
               been completed. Are there new facilities or many renovation
                     projects on the drawing boards for 2019?
                                                                    MCH: Is there any further Navy Lodging program informa-
               Davis: NGIS prepares to introduce the newest facility at   tion that you excited about for fiscal 2019 and beyond?
            NS Newport, R.I. The grand opening for NGIS Building 1688
            is scheduled for Nov. 1, 2018. The 200-guest-room, state-of-  Davis: NGIS continues to expand the use of central contracts
            the-art facility also includes a commercial laundry facility   for guest-room supplies procurement, growing brand iden-
            and the newest partnered venture with the Navy Exchange   tity and standardization across the enterprise. Centralization
            Service Command (NEXCOM): a Micro-Mart, which is a   increases the supplier demand on standardized and accepted
            self-service storefront/vending model the customers will enjoy.    guest-room supplies, which drives down costs based on the
               Additional NS Newport facility renovations scheduled for   attractiveness of the potential volume DoD brings.
            completion in 2019 are buildings 678, 172 and 447.     The Navy Lodging Program continues to evolve in all
               Projects awarded to the Army Installation Management   areas to ensure our travelers experience comfortable guest
            Command G9 NAF Construction projects lineup include a   services at all of our 69 Navy installations. Contributing to
            new 126-guest-room hotel at NAS Jacksonville, Fla., and a   mission accomplishment is our first priority.     —MCH

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