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The pods will increase guest
            interaction, as the guest service                                          MCH: Please provide us with
            agents will have greater access                                            an update on the Quality As-
            to move about the lobby, the Eat,                                          surance (QA) program — was
            Work, Relax area and the guest                                             the program reinstated, was it
            lounge, interacting with guests in                                         tweaked in any way, and what
            ways beyond simply transactional.                                               were the results?
               The new guest-room and
            suite-interior package features                                              Barber: The re-launch of the
            the “Modern Classics” line of                                              Inns of the Corps Quality Assur-
            case goods, presented by Thom-                                             ance (QA) Program will occur
            asville Furniture. Among these                                             subsequent to execution of our
            new furnishings is an upholstered                                          new lodging property management
            headboard, a millwork vanity with                                          system in 2019. The criterion will
            a quartz top and an F&B cabinet that   Clean Crisp Comfort in a bedroom at the 2017   support Inns of the Corps brand stan-
            houses the mini-refrigerator, microwave,   Lodging Facility of the Year, Inns of the Corps   dards and best practices in hospitality
            coffeemaker and entertainment system.   Lejeune, MCCS Lejeune-New River, N.C.  management.
            The nested desk with triple electrical out-                            The primary intent of the program
            lets saves space and provides a large work area when needed.    is to provide MCCS directors and installation commanders
               At the end of the day, the Inns of the Corps signature bed   with a tool to evaluate their program, identify opportunities
            and linen package will pamper our guests.           to improve and, of course, to cheerlead and recognize high
                                                                performers and exceptional results.
                                                                   As you can probably surmise, we are excited to relaunch
               MCH: How is the incorporation of the Inns of the Corps   this enhanced service and support to our Marine Corps in-
               “Clean Crisp Comfort” brand promise proceeding, and   stallation teams!
               how is it changing the customer experience for the better?
                Please fill us in on any renovations and facility refreshes.
                                                                    MCH: Please update us on the MCCS “best-in-class” prop-
               Barber: The “Clean Crisp Comfort” brand promise has             erty management system.
            been implemented at all of the Inns of the Corps TLFs and
            has been a success. The guest satisfaction scores for the brand   Barber: We are excited about the planned rollout of the
            are at an all-time high for Overall Experience, Service and   new “best-in-class” property management system scheduled
            Accommodations.                                     for the fourth quarter of 2018.
               Earlier in 2018, Inns of the Corps unveiled its new bath   This new application, RMS 9+ by RMS North America,
            amenity line, “Pharmacopia.” According to the manufacturer,   is cloud based and optimized to provide cohesive synergies
            the lightly citrus-scented amenities are formulated with an-  to our properties and enterprise reporting. The system offers
            tioxidants, therapeutic plant extracts and essential oils with   many guest-centric features, such as online guest access with
            no parabens, petrochemicals, phthalates, sulfates or synthetic   mobile check-in and check-out; mobile messaging; online
            colors. The new amenities are just a small part of the Clean   reservations and multi-channel booking. This will provide our
            Crisp Comfort brand promise at Inns of the Corps.   guests with new mobile capabilities and new and convenient
               The Clean Crisp Comfort brand promise is an integral   booking channels.
            part of the planned renovations and refreshes for Inns of the   The new system also provides handheld technology with
            Corps in 2019.                                      which we can communicate with our guests.
               In addition to the ongoing refresh at Inns of the Corps
            Hawaii, the three TLFs scheduled for refreshes will all in-
            corporate the new Brand Standard Design Guidelines color   MCH: Is there any further Marine Corps Lodging program
            palettes of either Cool Crisp or Warm Comfort.  The TLFs   information that you can provide us that you are excited
            will be upgrading the case goods to the new Modern Clas-        about for fiscal 2019 and beyond?
            sics design by Thomasville, which includes an updated F&B
            console that houses the mini-refrigerator, coffeemaker and   Barber: As previously discussed, 2019 will be a landmark
            microwave.                                          year for Inns of the Corps!
               The TLFs will also feature the Inns of the Corps Signature   The new property management system will open several new
            Bedding package that includes new mattresses, bed huggers,   booking channels, providing our customers with convenient
            bed scarves and triple sheeting for a Clean Crisp Comfort   options for booking a room at an Inns of the Corps property
            experience.                                         or in one of our breathtaking Recreational Lodging facilities.
               The scheduled renovations to the lobby and Eat Work Relax   We also look forward to “cutting the ribbon” and welcom-
            breakfast areas will incorporate the colors, furniture, fixtures   ing guests to our new branded Inns of the Corps properties
            and finishes specified in the Inns of the Corps design guidelines.   aboard MCAGCC Twentynine Palms and MCB Camp Butler
               The lobbies will feature the new Guest Service Pods and a   (Camp Hansen), Okinawa.
            redesigned Guest Sundry area. The Eat Work Relax breakfast   Stay tuned throughout 2019 for other announcements as
            areas are being expanded, while an additional outdoor seating   they emerge!
            area is being planned for just off the breakfast room.                                          —MCH

            OCTOBER 2018  |  MILITARY CLUB & HOSPITALITY                                                     17
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