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Military Club & Hospitality
MCH: What would you consider to be the Coast Guard
lodging highlights of fiscal 2018? spoke with Coast Guard
Morale, Well-Being and
Perciak: Coast Guard lodging revenues remained approxi- Recreation (MWR) Direc-
mately the same, about $4.8 million. Commands operating tor Matt Perciak about the
MWR lodging facilities continue to focus on customer service, current and future status
providing affordable lodging and quality accommodations in of Coast Guard Lodging.
their lodging facilities, as well as the other MWR programs
and services on the installation.
The Coast Guard’s core values of “Honor, Respect and
Duty to People” provide the foundation for how we deliver Perciak
customer service and strive to exceed all expectations!
MCH: Have you completed any new renovations or opened
any new lodges recently? Last year, you filled us in on up-
grades being made at the Coast Guard Academy in Groton,
Conn.; where do you currently stand with this project? How
is the upgrade at Training Center Cape May, N.J., coming
— have all the furniture upgrades been completed, and Coast Guard MWR Lodging cabins at Lake Tahoe, Calif.
have all the kitchens been remodeled? Do you have any
new facilities or upgrades that you plan on accomplishing Perciak: Coast Guard training for lodging professionals,
during the next few years? and all areas of MWR, is very important to providing quality
programs and services to our customers. By networking with
Perciak: The renovation project at the Coast Guard Academy our professional counterparts, not only in Coast Guard MWR
was completed to include upgraded bed linens, comforters, but the other services as well, we have discovered a wealth
pillows, bath towels and window treatments. Completion of this of resources to assist in delivering training at the lowest cost.
project provided a fresh and improved appearance within the In October of this year, the CSC will conduct training for four
rooms that gained very positive comments from our customers. new MWR directors service-wide at the CSC in Chesapeake, Va.
Cape May completed the furniture upgrades in four of
the six units and is very pleased with the outcome and the
positive customer feedback. The kitchen project is still in the MCH: What is the forecast for lodging moving forward in
long-range plan, once furniture upgrades are completed, with fiscal 2019? What are some of your goals for the coming
the first priority to be new countertops and cabinets. fiscal year?
Perciak: The forecast moving forward continues to be very
MCH: Do you have any new programs or initiatives underway bright for Coast Guard lodging. By promoting lodging op-
or planned for the near future that you can tell us about? portunities in tourist destinations at a reasonable price, with
unmatched customer service, customers will continue to choose
Perciak: The Coast Guard Academy is planning to replace MWR lodging as their first choice in lodging alternatives.
the carpeting in the common spaces on all three floors of Our goal is to continue this positive trend while offering
the lodging facility. Training Center Petaluma, Calif., is cur- patrons select lodging choices at a good price.
rently standardizing the 128-room lodging facility to include
paint, furniture, blinds and carpet. The reception area will be
modified to be more customer focused and customer friendly. MCH: Is there any further Coast Guard Lodging program
The facility is also piloting the use of room-entry cards in information that you can provide us that you are excited
an effort to migrate away from key management. The entry about in fiscal 2019 and beyond?
cards are purchased in bulk and coded for the duration of
the patron’s stay, similar to commercial lodging operations. Perciak: Coast Guard MWR lodging would like to welcome
all MWR patrons! Our facilities offer affordable lodging for
travelers in popular destinations, and we hope they will consider
MCH: Are there any new training initiatives to report? How Coast Guard Lodging when making travel plans.
many new directors came through the Community Services You may find complete information on Coast Guard Lodg-
Command (CSC) training course this year? Do you plan to ing and how to make reservations at our new website: www.
continue it in fiscal 2019? —MCH