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Grab ’n Go Protein

                  Penn College Adds Bento

           Boxes to Grab ’n Go Selection

                ining Services at the Pennsylvania College of Technology   One of the choices, the Protein Power Box, was specifically
                in Williamsport has added new grab ’n go options with   designed for the students who use the fitness center, which is
          Da focus on protein for the coming semester. Utilizing   upstairs from where the grab ’n go items are sold in the student
          the Japanese concept of bento boxes, Dining Services created   center. “That one has egg and peanut butter and things that
          mini versions of current grab ’n go favorites.      have a little bit more of a protein source for people who are
             “Students have demanding academic schedules and often   health conscious and working out. We wanted to corner that
          do not have time for a large, sit-down meal,” said AJ Robson,   market and make it something that is a quick grab.”
          assistant manager for Dining Services. “The bento boxes are                                     —OCH
          a quick and easy way for students to power through their day.
          It’s got a variety of things in it, little sides and sandwiches and
          snacks. I look at it in a way as an adult Lunchables.”
             With a variety of choices and flavor profiles, each box
          contains a protein source (chicken, tuna, eggs, cheese, yogurt
          and/or peanut butter), fresh vegetables (baby carrots, grape
          tomatoes and/or celery sticks) with either ranch or hummus
          dips, fresh seedless grapes, and a snack item (pretzels, crack-
          ers or tortilla chips).
             “The smaller compartments of the boxes promote portion
          control, as well as support the ‘grazing’ habits of our busy
          students,” said Dining Services Manager Autumn Hampton.
          “Adapting the boxes from current grab ’n go selections re-
          duces inventory and labor, while giving the department an
          opportunity to introduce a new concept.”
             With all of the items in one convenient
          package, Robson said that students are able
          to get in and out even faster. “It is a full
          meal that you can grab in three seconds                              Penn College Bento Box Offerings:
          for $5-$6, and have everything you would
          eat for lunch, including your fruit and your                         · Artisan Tuna Salad Bento Box – artisan
          snack and your sandwich and your sides                                tuna salad, baby carrots, hard-cooked eggs,
          — with an emphasis on health. Instead of                              grape tomatoes, assorted crackers, low-
          waiting in line for some of our made-to-                              fat blueberry yogurt, granola, leaf lettuce,
          order items, this is a full lunch you can                             ranch dressing
          grab within seconds and be out the door.                             · Chicken Salad Bento Box – leaf lettuce,
                                                                                chicken salad with grapes and pecans, baby
                                                                                carrots, low-fat blueberry yogurt, granola,
                                                                                assorted crackers, grape tomatoes, ranch
                                                                               · PB&J Bento Box – half peanut butter and
                                                                                jelly sandwich, seedless grapes, raisins,
                                                                                celery, assorted cheese cubes, pretzels
                                                                               · Protein Power Bento Box – Granny Smith
                                                                                apple, peanut butter, hard-cooked egg,
                                                                                seedless grapes, celery, assorted crack-
                                                                                ers, leaf lettuce, assorted cheese cubes
                                                                               · Smoked Egg Salad Bento Box – smoked egg
                                                                                salad, leaf lettuce, assorted crackers, grape
                                                                                tomatoes, baby carrots, low-fat blueberry
                                                                                yogurt, granola
                                                                               · Southwest Bento Box – baby carrots, grape
                                                                                tomatoes, tortilla chips, seedless grapes,
                                                                                chipotle black bean hummus, half South-
                                                                                west chicken wrap

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