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          bucks, the desserts and ice                                                   going to do is change that to
          cream and put it out into                                                      build-your-own sandwiches.
          the dining room near to the                                                    You can still have a Panini,
          door,” said Backes. “It is a                                                   we’ll still have the presses
          separate entity unto itself.                                                   there, but it is more of a
          It is nowhere near the other                                                   build-your-own concept.”
          food, so it very much has                                                        Grill Works will feature
          a coffee shop feel. We have                                                    grilled items, many made to
          24/7 dining and unlimited                                                      order. “We do have items pre-
          access, so if someone wants                                                    made during peak periods so
          to come in and not have a full                                                 someone can just come in
          meal, maybe a cappuccino                                                       and grab a hamburger, but
          or pastry, they can.”                                                          we do try to cook hamburg-
             The area is also used for                                                   ers, chicken breast, grilled
          late-night dining. “At night,                                                  cheese sandwiches, any of
          after 11 p.m., that [main ser-                                                 those types of things,” he said.
          vice] area in the back will be                                                   Kitchen will feature All-
          closed off, so that 24/7 dining                                                American classics. “That is
          will encompass a cooked-to-                                                    very much your traditional
          order station, where you can have limited items, anything   items,” said Backes. “This was done for people who do want to
          from entrées to breakfast items, dinner items and the dessert,   see a casserole, a chicken pot pie — all of your comfort foods.”
          bagels, cappuccino, coffee station. That will be open as well.   A station that is very important to the students is Red &
          You can have sandwiches made there, and the salad bar will   Green, which will feature New Mexican local favorites. “It is
          be open, too.”                                      incredibly important to offer local favorites,” he said. “I have
             The main service area, which Backes refers to as the scramble   never seen the affiliation that people have with their culture
          area, now has more of an open feel and offers a variety of   and state more than I have here. It is important that we do it
          stations. “In the scramble area, which we have shrunk a great   and we do it right. We can’t do a Mexican concept here that
          deal, we are continuing to have what we called The Press, a   they do in Boston. It is not going to fly here.”
          Panini station. We found that very few students wanted Panini.   The recipes are authentic. “Many of the recipes are from
          They all like that Subway, Blimpie-type concept. What we are   employees here,” said Backes. “Our cream of green chile
                                                              chicken soup is probably one of our most popular items, and
                                                              that is from one of our employees who was here when I came
                                                              here 22 years ago. We try to do something each month during
                                                              the school year. We ask people to submit their favorite recipe
                                                              from their parents, and we have a judging panel. Whichever
                                                              one is selected is offered, and we look to put those on the
                                                              menu, too.”
                                                                 The dining hall also caters to students with special dietary
                                                              needs with a vegan and vegetarian station and a not-made-
                                                              with-gluten station. “We don’t call it gluten-free because it
                                                              is not hermetically sealed,” he said.
                                                                 La Posada now features national brands Papa John’s and
                                                              Freshens. “The reason we decided to have a branded concept
                                                              in there was that the students are so brand driven,” he said.
                                                              “They want to know that if they go to Papa John’s here or in
                                                              Las Cruces or New York, they are going to get the same thing.”
                                                                 The La Posada renovation also provides the university with
                                                              an opportunity to reinvigorate students’ perception of Dining,
                                                              according to Chanel Wiese, operation specialist with UNM
                                                              Dining and Food Services and MBA student at the school.
                                                                 “Every semester is a chance to welcome the new fresh-
                                                              men,” she said. “We get to do that as well as show the rest of
                                                              the campus community what it means to ‘Eat like a Lobo.’”
                                                                 The school has events planned for the grand opening. “We
                                                              plan on hosting a block party in conjunction with our grand
                                                              opening event so that we can showcase the food inside the
                                                              building, as well as the plaza space in front of it, which we
                                                              want to brand as a very traditional college quad,” said Wiese.
                                                              “We are calling it the Quad at La Posada, and really making
                                                              that a meeting spot will also help students see it as a meeting
                                                              place and a place that maybe in 20 years they will be telling a
                                                              story about meeting their spouse at the Quad at La Posada.”

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