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            UNM Renovates La Posada

              or the first time in 56 years, students arriving at the University of New Mexico (UNM) in
           FAlbuquerque will have a fully reno-
            vated La Posada Dining Hall.
              “La Posada was originally built in
            1961,” said Timothy Backes, associate
            director of Business Operations, Dining
            Services with the school. “This is the
            first major renovation. There have been
            minor renovations, small facelifts, where
            we did the fronts of the foodservice
            kiosks, but nothing more than that.”
              Obviously, the style of service at
            the pre-renovation La Posada became
            antiquated. “It had that cafeteria feel,”
            he said. “It was two long lines, different
            stations, but it was one long shot you
            looked down and you saw your sand-
            wich station, your pizza station, your
            grill station, your classics and then New
            Mexican food, but one shot right down
            the side.”
              The decision to renovate was made
            two years ago when the school was in
            negotiations for a contracted foodservice
            provider, which is now Chartwells. “We
            wanted to work out the capital money
            that would be part of the contract,” said
            Backes. “Also, we worked through the
            university and the architects here. They
            did some initial fact finding for us —
            what initially the client was looking
            for: was it just a dining experience, or
            a whole overall experience; for students
            to come and study, to have meetings,
            things like that. There was a lot of re-
            search to be done.”
              One of the first areas that needed
            to be renovated was the atrium. “The
            atrium, which was in the center of the
            dining room, was actually a part of the
            ventilation system of the building, so if
            it was 20 degrees in Albuquerque, the
            atrium was 20 inside,” he said. “If it
            was 95 degrees, it was 95 in the atrium.
            They sealed all that up and we tore down
            all of the windows on all sides of the
            atrium and leveled out the floor.”
              The dining room area was also
            changed by moving some venues into
            it to give it more of a food court feel.
            “We took the Einstein Bagels, the Star-

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