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Around the Campus

               Dietitian Receives State Recognition

               shley Thomas, Aramark district   higher-education accounts and
           Adietitian, was named Recognized   serves as the resident dietitian at
          Young Dietitian of the Year by the South   College of Charleston, where she
          Carolina Academy of Nutrition and   assists with menu planning, nutri-
          Dietetics (SCAND). The annual award   tion analysis, student consultations
          is given to a dietitian 35 years old or   and allergen management,” said
          younger who demonstrates concern for   Kelly Magowan, MS, RD, LDN,
          the promotion of optimal health and nu-  Aramark senior health and well-
          tritional status of the population, and   ness manager. “She also serves   Thomas
          must have demonstrated leadership   as a regional co-lead for the FDA
          through legislation, research, education,   National Menu Labeling initiatives
          management or employment.          and the Health & Wellness Champion   In addition to her current role at Ara-
             Thomas was first nominated by more   for the Southeast Region.”    mark, she is a nutrition instructor for the
          than 70 local dietitians in Charleston,   Thomas has served locally at College   Medical University of South Carolina
          S.C., and received the district level award   of Charleston since 2015. Christina Canty,   and develops content for her nutrition
          from the Charleston Trident Dietetic As-  resident district manager at College of   education website that ranges from ev-
          sociation. She went on to earn the state   Charleston said, “Ashley Thomas has   idence-based blog posts to informative
          level award, representing more than 600   made a tremendous impact on the Col-  video series on grocery shopping. She
          SCAND members.                     lege of Charleston campus community   is also passionate about influencing the
             “Ashley was nominated for her unique   since joining our team in 2015. She excels   health of South Carolinians through her
          set of skills through her background in   at bridging new departmental partner-  volunteer work as the SCAND public
          clinical, research and food service,” said   ships with Dining Services through col-  policy partners coordinator. This role
          Melissa Macher, Charleston Trident Di-  laboration of campus events, cooking   gives her the opportunity to mobilize
          etetic Association district president.   demonstrations for numerous campus   dietitians in South Carolina to build
             “As a part of the Southeast Regional   departments, as well as personalized con-  relationships with their legislators and
          team of dietitians, Ashley supports four   sultations with our meal-plan members.”  influence food and nutrition policy.

                   Villanova Hosts “One Book” Event

              ach year at Villanova University in   chef nutritionist, helped develop the menu
           EPennsylvania the One Book Villa-  to represent international flavors. “The
          nova Committee selects a book for the   theme of Acts of Faith is religious plural-
          campus community to read to inspire   ism; however, we were able to develop an
          and spark discussion.              extensive menu based on Eboo’s recol-
             Villanova Dining Services creates a   lections within the book,” said Farrow.
          menu based on themes or food mentions   “During college and beyond, Eboo spent
          within the book for an event which the   time connecting with people of different
          author attends, when available. “This   faiths and cultures and wrote examples
          year’s One Book selection was ‘Acts of   of eating many types of cuisine. He com-
          Faith’ by Eboo Patel,” said Alicia Far-  mented on loving Middle Eastern food,
          row, nutrition marketing manager. “He   but also had many experiences with ‘tra-  • “Before boarding the plane on my
          founded the Interfaith Youth Core in Chi-  ditional’ American foods like pizza, but   previous trip to India, when I was 15,
          cago and served on President Obama’s   recalled feeling like an outsider because   I asked my father if they had Frosted
          Inaugural Faith Council.”          he was Muslim and couldn’t eat the pork   Flakes there. ‘I don’t think so,’ he replied.
                                                          sausage or pepperoni   Then how could I be expected to stay
                                                          toppings.”            there for six weeks?”
                                                            The menu includ-      • “Thumbs up Cola didn’t taste at all
                                                          ed items like butter   like Coke, and the paper straw I sucked
                                                          chicken, lamb kebobs   it through was too small to get a good
                                                          and masala potatoes,   gulp in.”
                                                          as well as gluten-free   • “Class time, in my mind, was best
                                                          Chicago-style deep-   used to try to figure out how to jam an
                                                          dish pizza and a taco   entire pack of Fruit Stripe gum into my
                                                          bar. During the dinner,   mouth ... I believe it was in ... class that I
                                                          Patel was presented with   finally succeeded in placing all 24 sticks
                                                          three items from Din-  of Fruit Stripe gum in my mouth. I raised
                                                          ing Services, relating to   both hands in a sign of triumph, but I
             Tim Dietzler, director of Dining Ser-  portions of the book: a box of Frosted   couldn’t say much because my mouth was
          vices, Chris Wiseley, executive chef of   Flakes, a can of Coca-Cola and packs   full and turning various shades of blue
          Residential Dining, and Gail Mitchell,   of Fruit Stripe gum.         thanks to the artificial colors in the gum.”

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