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Around the Campus
RPI receives Mindful Gold Certification
ensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) juice) must contain less than 40 calo-
Rin Troy, N.Y., received the Mindful ries per serving, at least one source of
Gold certification for going above and a whole grain must be available on the
beyond the basic standards of Sodexo’s salad bar every day.
wellness program and meeting 30 ad- “Students find an array of Mindful
ditional health guidelines. items at every meal period throughout
Mindful by Sodexo is an award- our dining halls — everything from en-
winning wellness program that makes trées, sides, soups, to even desserts,”
it easier for students to enjoy a healthier said Mayer. “Some of my favorite Mind-
lifestyle, even when they are busy. The ful dishes are the Baja fish tacos and
Mindful program promotes dishes with proud to have already accomplished this the blackened chicken and chimichurri
a variety of flavor, satisfying portion goal, and we are committed to making sliders. Students don’t even realize that
sizes and healthy indulgences. Sodexo the Mindful approach second nature for they are eating healthy because the food
culinary staff receives Mindful training the Rensselaer community,” said Kim- tasted so good!”
developed by the Culinary Institute of berly Mayer, RDN. “Choosing Mindful To make it easy to identity the Mind-
America. Sodexo dietitians encourage entrées in the dining hall means filling ful choices, a green apple symbol is next
healthy cooking techniques that deliver a plate with a meal that is less than 600 to menu items. The Bite app by Sodexo
great tasting food while also minimizing calories and with no trans-fat.” helps students find additional nutrition
salt and unhealthy fat content. For example, at least 50 percent of information and to monitor what they
“Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is beverages (other than 100 percent fruit are eating.
Harvard Offers Brilliant Bites
reparing the same meal for
P6,000 people across 13 opera-
tions is a carefully choreographed
dance of recipes, ingredients, pro-
curement and culinary execution.
But every week, Harvard University
Dining Services (HUDS) chefs in
Cambridge, Mass., get to flex their
creative (and competitive) muscles
when they offer their students a Bril- aging Director David Davidson. “They the strawberry shortcake last night was
liant Bite at dinner on Thursdays. execute beautiful food every day, but it’s amazing — we should have it again!”
Unlike everyday menu offerings, Bril- especially fun and incredibly delicious commented a student at Dunster House.
liant Bites are unique to the chef and when they can show off their passion At Quincy House, the chef had a differ-
the dining location serviced. The team for food.” ent take on a similar dish, and the praise
selects a unique ingredient — one not Students gathered around Eliot House was also similar: “The shortcake was
routinely on the menu — and develops a Chef de Cuisine Alex Drumm, on Sept. doooooope!”
small-plate tasting dish to inspire, surprise 28, when he transformed strawberries into Future ingredients may include pro-
and excite Harvard students. a Brilliant Bite of Olive Oil and Lemon teins like scallops or sauces made by
Brilliant Bites debuted Sept. 14, when Ricotta Cake with Macerated Strawber- local food entrepreneurs.
an alumnus and former Harvard professor ries, Sweet Cream and Basil Oil. Drumm “We have world-class chefs,” said Da-
donated several bushels of Red Astra- had a rapt audience as he described how vidson. “It’s awesome to watch them show
chan apples from his organic orchard to make the basil emulsion. off their skills, and for our students to
in Western Massachusetts. The apples Students love the special thought and explore food through our chefs’ artistry.”
were cooked down into a natural apple care that goes into the Bites. “HUDS,
butter, and the chefs then transformed it
with a special presentation at each din-
ing hall. At Lowell House, for example,
Chef de Cuisine Chris Graceffa offered a
Challah Toast Round with Apple Butter,
Pumpkin Seed Butter, Manchego Cheese,
Pistachio and Micro Wasabi, while at
Adams House, Chef de Cuisine Alvin
Levarity made a Grilled Pork with Apple
and Sweet Potato Puree, Wilted Greens
and Apple Butter.
“I’m so proud of our very talented and
creative team of culinarians,” said Man-