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                                                                                         with 9.15 percent of sales,
                                      VEGETABLES           (continued)                  followed by Mixed Vegetables
                                                                                        (Canned/Fresh/Frozen) with
             CLASS                            Share of  Dollar    CoNuS    oCoNuS        7.60 percent, Lettuce with
                                              Category  Volume    PerCeNt   PerCeNt
                                                                                         7.15 percent and Broccoli
             Beans, Navy (Canned/Dry/Frozen)    0.04%     $38,923   100.00%   0.00%     (Canned/Fresh/Frozen) with
             Beans, Pinto (Canned/Dry/Frozen)   0.76%    $661,938   42.92%   57.08%     6.96 percent. Combined, the
             Beans, Pork & (Canned/Frozen)      1.03%    $897,647   51.51%   48.49%      four segments are nearly a
             Beans, Specialty                   0.01%     $11,598   48.55%   51.45%     third, 30.86 percent, of sales
             Beans, Wax (Canned/Fresh/Frozen)   0.09%     $80,641   65.96%   34.04%       in this diverse category.
             Beans, White (Canned/Dry/Frozen)   1.28%   $1,119,304   3.76%   96.24%
             Beets (Canned/Fresh/Frozen)        0.25%    $222,937   59.23%   40.77%        CATEGORY SALES:
             Broccoli (Canned/Fresh/Frozen)     6.96%   $6,089,353   34.22%  65.78%          $87.49 million
             Brussels Sprouts (Fresh/Canned/Frozen)  0.85%   $739,768   58.68%  41.32%
             Cabbage (Fresh/Canned/Frozen)      2.06%   $1,801,825   0.12%   99.88%      SHARE OF DLA TROOP
             Carrots (Fresh/Canned/Frozen)      4.33%   $3,790,934   37.46%  62.54%      SUPPORT TOTAL PRIME
             Cauliflower (Fresh/Canned/Frozen)  3.07%   $2,688,268   43.05%  56.95%      VENDOR SUBSISTENCE
             Celery (Fresh/Frozen)              1.26%   $1,100,357   0.43%   99.57%          SALES: 6.41%
             Cilantro (Fresh)                   0.10%     $86,373   0.26%    99.74%
             Corn (Fresh/Canned/Frozen/Dry)     4.49%   $3,929,700   62.70%  37.30%
             Corn, Baby (Canned)                0.00%      $1,698   0.00%   100.00%         Murry Greenwald
             Corn-On-Cob (Canned/Fresh/Frozen)  2.04%   $1,781,551   45.81%  54.19%            1928-2012
             Cucumbers (Fresh)                  1.46%   $1,280,909   1.51%   98.49%              CEO
                                                                                              Helen Scheller
             Eggplant (Canned/Dry/Fresh/Frozen)  0.36%   $315,859   2.13%    97.87%
             Endive (Fresh)                     0.01%      $6,781   0.00%   100.00%              COO
                                                                                              Fred Schaen
             Greens (Canned/Fresh/Frozen)       1.42%   $1,243,275   48.06%  51.94%
             Kale (Fresh)                       0.07%     $60,455   0.66%    99.34%            —————
             Leeks (Fresh)                      0.03%     $26,549   0.00%   100.00%             EDITOR
             Lentils (Canned/Dry/Frozen)        0.69%    $603,579   1.26%    98.74%           Ken Baglino
             Lettuce                            7.15%   $6,260,022   1.42%   98.58%
             Mixed Chinese Vegetables (Frozen)  1.89%   $1,652,468   38.30%  61.70%            —————
             Mixed Vegetables (Canned/Fresh/Frozen)  7.60%   $6,650,226   53.96%  46.04%   PRODUCTION DIRECTOR
                                                                                             Janet Patterson
             Mushrooms (Fresh/Canned/Dry/Frozen)  3.37%   $2,950,323   27.51%  72.49%
             Okra (Canned/Fresh/Frozen)         0.38%    $335,304   30.97%   69.03%           ART DIRECTOR
             Onion Rings (Frozen)               4.16%   $3,638,953   53.04%  46.96%          Gregory S. Parisi
             Onions (Fresh/Canned/Dry/Frozen)   3.72%   $3,258,000   0.80%   99.20%
             Parsley (Fresh)                    0.52%    $458,369   23.92%   76.08%            —————
             Peas, Black-Eyed (Canned/Dry/Fresh/  0.57%   $495,330   43.31%  56.69%         Ernesto Velasquez
             Peas, Green (Canned/Dry/Fresh/Frozen)  2.63%   $2,300,810   61.44%  38.56%        —————
             Peas, Sugar Snap (Frozen)          0.07%     $61,508   7.64%    92.36%          CORPORATE OFFICE
             Peppers (Fresh/Canned/Dry/Frozen/                                              825 Old Country Road
                                                                                            Westbury, N.Y.  11590
             Glass Jars)                        5.92%   $5,183,533   9.87%   90.13%    (516) 334-3030 • Fax: (516) 334-3059
             Peppers, Chili, Green (Canned)     0.11%     $95,240   28.37%   71.63%      Email:
             Peppers, Jalapeno (Canned)         1.57%   $1,369,968   43.24%  56.76%
             Pumpkins (Canned)                  0.02%     $15,239   60.58%   39.42%    GOVERNMENT FOOD SERVICE (ISSN 1085-8849)
             Radishes (Fresh)                   0.22%    $188,392   1.04%    98.96%    is published nine times yearly (January, March,
                                                                                       April, May, July, August, September, October
             Sauerkraut (Canned/Fresh/Frozen)   0.18%    $154,245   34.08%   65.92%    and November) at 825 Old Country Rd., West-
             Spinach (Fresh/Canned/Frozen)      2.23%   $1,953,758   30.25%  69.75%    bury, NY 11590 by Executive Business Media,
                                                                                       Inc. Periodicals postage paid at Westbury, NY,
             Squash (Fresh/Canned/Frozen)       0.72%    $627,260   51.50%   48.50%    and at additional mailing offices.  Subscrip-
                                                                                       tions: U.S. and APO/FPO addresses, $40.00
             Succotash (Frozen)                 1.29%   $1,125,938   44.21%  55.79%    per year, single issue $6.00, except Almanac
                                                                                       and Handbook issues, $25.00. Postmaster:  Send
             Tomatoes (Fresh/Canned/Dry/Frozen)  9.15%   $8,003,088   17.59%  82.41%   change of address form 3579 to 825 Old Country Road,
             Turnips (Fresh)                    1.30%   $1,133,452   4.52%   95.48%    Westbury, NY 11590.
                                                                                       ©Copyright 2018 by Executive Business Media,
             Vegetable Purees                   0.00%      $3,591   100.00%   0.00%    Inc.  All rights reserved.  No material may be
                                                                                       reprinted by any reproduction method without
             Vegetables                         0.12%    $107,713   17.47%   82.53%    prior written permission.  Printed in U.S.A.  Pri-
             Water Chestnuts (Canned)           0.02%     $15,520   100.00%   0.00%    vately owned by Executive Business Media, Inc.
                                                                                       GOVERNMENT FOOD SERVICE is not affiliated
             Zucchini (Canned/Fresh/Frozen)     0.42%    $367,333   10.25%   89.75%    with any supplier, manufacturer or advertising
                                                                                       agency.  The opinions expressed are those of
             Total Vegetables                                            $87,492,118   the president and editors.
                                                                                       Reader comment is welcome.  EBM, Inc., also
                                                                                       publishes Exchange and Commissary News
                                                                                       and Military Club and Hospitality.
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